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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging

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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging


Year 5SP

Welcome To Year 5

We hope you enjoy seeing our fantastic learning in year 5!

Class Teacher: Mr Phillips

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Cunningham

Curriculum Map 2023-2024

Week 2 - Year 5 have had a busy week. On Monday, Year 5 had the opportunity to play various games realted to Quidditch. Also Year 5 were able to share and read their shape poems with Year 6 in English.

Summer 2 week 1 - This week, Year 5 had the chance to research various African tribal mask and design their own masks.

Week 6 - Year 5 welcomed Mr Moore to their science lesson this week. They investigated the relationship between the lenght of lever and effort used to catapult a marshmallow.

Week 5 - This week in science, Year 5 created their own pulley machine to test how m,uch weight their machines could lift.

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Week 4 - This week, Year five followed a recipe online for baking their own loaves of bread. The children confrimed that the bread was delicious!

Week 3 - In PHSE, year five were looking at the dangers of being online and using social media. We then discussed as a class how we can keep safe online.

Week 2 - In English this week, Year 5 were looking at Mabeth wriiten by William Shakespeare. Year 5, used Mabeth for different writing purposes such as writing a letter, planning and writing a balanced argument.

Summer term Week 1 - This week, the class were pattern-seeking in our science topic. We investigated the different diameters of celestial bodies and whether it affected their gravity.

WC 17.03.24 - This week the class replicated the tune and beat of Fresh Prince of Bel Air using glockenspeils

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WC 11.03.24 This week the children celebrated British Science Week by participating in various science experiments and live lessons throughout the week.

Week 3 - Maths week at Four Swannes. The children enjoyed partaking in various mathematical investigations and games with parents.

Week 2 - This week in science, we were dissecting a Lily as we learned all about the reproductive system of a plant.

Autumn 2: Week 1 - For our geography topic, Year 5 have been learning about rivers in England.


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In music this week, Year 5 have been using Glockenspiels to create the background music for 'Livin On A Prayer' learning how to count and replicate the beat of the song.

28.09.23 - Year 5 learning about day and night in their science topic - Earth and space.

Four Swannes trip to Lee Valley White Water Centre

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This week Year 5 were able to go visit Lee Valley White Water Centre to watch the 2023 ICF Canoe Slalom World Championship. They took part in various activities such as a tour of the venue, water safety training and practicing kayaking. The children were able to watch a few races and even got to see the medal ceremony. A exciting part of the day was meeting the athletes with their medals and even getting the chance to hold an Olympic gold medal!!


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Year 5 perform 'Living on a Prayer' with Mr. Sadler and his electric guitar!

Science - Investigating Air Resistance

In Science this term, our topic is forces. This week we were investigating what can effect air resistance. In groups, we were dropping parachutes from a set height and seeing what can affect the speed. The variables we investigated were the size of the parachute, the length of the string and the material of the parachute. We will be presenting and discussing our findings next week.


Maths - Investigating Nets

In Maths this week, we have been focusing on shape and looking at nets. We used apparatus to investigate which nets made a cube and which didn't. From this, we were able to reason as to what properties were needed to make the net of a cube.

English - Conscience Alley

In English, we have just started a new unit focusing on William Shakespeare's Macbeth. We were exploring whether Macbeths should or should not kill King Duncan in order to become king. Children decided whether they were for or against the argument and then said aloud their argument in a conscience alley.

We will then be writing up a discussion text to explore both sides of the argument.   

Year 5 Trip to the British Museum

To celebrate the end of term, we went to visit the British History Museum where we consolidated our learning focusing on Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece (from last term) We loved seeing all of the exhibits, especially seeing some really life mummies!

Bread Making

As part of our Design and Technology unit, we made some bread that we designed. We made the dough and then added our own ingredients and shaped the bread according to our design breif. We really enjoyed making the bread as well as tasting it!

Year 5/6 Indoor Athletics

Year 5 and 6 had a great time at the Indoor Athletics competition. We were competing against 7 other schools across two heats in a range of track and field events. All of the pupil's gave 100% and did a brilliant job in representing the school. Overall we came 3rd in the competition - well done Four Swannes!

World Book Day

Year 5 had a fantastic time during World Book Day. We spent the whole day carrying out activities linked to books, including:

Carrying out activities linked to an online workshop

Writing poems linked to our class novel 'The Boy in The Tower'

Carrying out reading surveys in Maths

W/B 27/2 - Art

This week in Art, we continued to work on our collaborative Pop Art pieces. We used collage to complete our superhero outlines, we then went over the background with a wash before completing the pieces using a pointillism technique. 

The finished pieces will be on display along the KS1 corridor. 

W/B 6/2 PE

During this week, we continued our unit on Football. In this lesson we focused on controlling the ball and our shooting accuracy.

W/B 30/1 - Pop Art/Pointllism

In our Art lessons, we have begun to look at examples of Pop Art and techniques that artists use to create their pieces. 


One example was their use of dots. We used bold colours to fill our onomatopoeiac words.


We are going to apply this technique to our collaborative pieces of artwork - we look forward to charing these with you over the next couple of weeks!

W/B 23/1 - Small in the City Diary entries

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed our Whole School unit on 'Small in The City'


For our final piece of work, we wrote a diary entry in the role of the main character loosing her cat. 


We included features such as emotive language, writing in first person/past tense and description.


We hope you enjoy them!

Creative Writing WB 5.12.22

This week, Year 5 have been reading the Little Match Girl and created some wonderful diary entries. It is a story that generated lots of meaningful conversations.

31st October 2022

This week we have begun looking at cinquain poetry in English and multiplying and dividing both whole numbers and decimal numbers by 10,100 and 1000 in maths. It has been a busy week of learning!

17th October 2022

This week, we have been celebrating Black History Month. In history, Year 5 looked the famous figure, Ignatius Sancho, a British writer and composer born in the 18th century. In geography, we focused on the country Somalia and created wonderful pieces of artwork inspired by the vibrant coloured and patterned fabrics. We also looked at the average temperature throughout the year in both Somalia and England and presented the information into a bar graph.

10th October 2022

This week the children have been working hard on their class assembly. They worked in groups to focus on an area of the curriculum covered so far and presented this in a clear and informative way. It was lovely to see so many of our families supporting the children for the main event! 

26th September 2022

This week, Y5 have been working hard at understanding negative numbers and using them in real life situations. They have also solved problems using them and are beginning to become more confident in finding the difference between a set of numbers.

19th September 2022

In Guided Reading this week, we studied the book, 'The Wolves in the Wall' by Neil Gaiman. We discussed the characters, the plot and thought critically about the author's intention. Despite this book being in the category of a picture book, the children analysed its purpose, generating a meaningful conversation.

12th September 2022

In maths this week, we have been learning about place value in large numbers. We have completed various activities to help us to order and compare numbers.

5th September 2022

We have had an exciting week getting to know each other in Y5. We completed 'All About Me Hoodies' and looked at our outer and inner selves to create lovely pieces of artwork for our display.


Archive Year 5 

Sports Day

Year 5 took part in an Ancient Greece day where they had the opportunity to take part in various activities similar to those that would have been carried out during this era. The day was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by all!
