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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging

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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging



Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

There are a maximum of 9 members of the Four Swannes Governing Body, each member serves a four year term, after which, they can stand for re-election.

The Instrument of governors is issued by HCC but the governors of Four Swannes agree the constitution of the governing body.

Four Swannes Governing Body


Chair of Governors: Graeme Dykes 13th December 2023 - 12th December 2027


Vice Chair of Governors:  Mrs Jean Bailey

Clerk to Governors: Mrs Natalie Daniel-Tong

Mr A Moore - Head Teacher

Mrs Jean Bailey - LA Governor             

Mr P Bailey - Co-opted Governor 

Appointed By GB/Board 11th March 2024 - 11th March 2028             

Mrs M Alcock - Co-opted Governor

Appointed by GB/Board 1st February 2023 - 31st January 2027                

Ms E O'Connor - Associate Member

Ms C Steel - Teacher Governor

Mrs N Karim - Parent Governor

Elected by Parents 14th July 2021 - 13th July 2025                    



1 Parent Governor

Resources Committee (which includes premises and finance)

Governors: Peter Bailey (Chair), Jean Bailey, Alan Moore (Headteacher) Greame Dykes


Link Governors


Mrs N Karim - Curriculum

Mrs J Bailey - SEND

Mr P Bailey - Health & Safety

Mr G Dykes- Safeguarding 

Mrs M Alcock - Behaviour


 Full Governing Body Meeting Dates.


18/10/2023   Present. Jean Bailey, Alan Moore , Marcia Alcock ,Peter Bailey , Neeloo Karim,

 Lisa O'Connor and Natlie Daniel-Tong (HFL Clerk)


13/12/2023   Present .


 01/02/2024   Present. Meeting Cancelled


 21/03/2024   Present. Graeme Dykes, Alan Moore, Marcia Alcock, Jean Bailey, Peter Bailey

Neeloo Karim, James Sadler, Lisa O'Connor, Natalie Daniel-Tong (HFL Clerk)


 15/05/2024   Present. Graeme Dykes, Alan Moore, Marcia Alcock, Jean Bailey, Peter Bailey

 Neeloo Karim, Lisa O'Connor, Natalie Daniel-Tong (HFL Clerk)


 11/07/2024   Present. Alan Moore , Graeme Dykes, Marcia Alcock, Jean Bailey, Peter Bailey

 Lisa O,connor , Camilla Steel.


 16/10/2024 Present. 




