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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging

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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging


Reception TB


Reception 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Reception Class 

We hope you enjoy seeing our fantastic learning in Reception 

Class Teacher Mrs Byrne-Brown

Teaching Assistant Mrs Aykut



Parents Workshop Slides

Weekly Time Table

Reception Long Term Plan 2024-2025


After reading the book, Princess and the pea, the children cooked pea soup. First the children washed their hands and we went through the ingredients. Then we had turns to cut the onions, adding water, adding peas and mixing. Finally, the children tasted the delicious soup that they cooked and some children even asked for a second bowl of soup 😃

Autumn 2 Newsletter

It has been a very busy week with all our Christmas activities. The Children creatively made Christmas ornaments and Christmas cards to sell in the Christmas market. They enjoyed using their handprints on salt dough and decorating it after drying. The Children enjoyed decorating their own Christmas hats to wear them with their Christmas jumpers. They all looked joyfully happy as they wore their hats and jumpers to have their Christmas dinner.

We are all very proud of how they performed brilliantly at the Christmas nativity show. They learnt all their lines and songs and all the actions to the songs. They confidently stood on the stage, in front of everyone and performed beautifully.


It is certainly the start of the festive season as the children had a wonderful time at the chicken shed theatre watching the show, “Christmas tales”. They were a very good audience and got actively involved in the show; dancing, clapping, stamping their feet and speaking to the actors. This experience helped the children learn about road safety and how it was important to follow rules. It also helped them with their confidence and language development as they were interacting with the actors and answering their questions.
Please continue to support your children at home with their speaking and listening skills by reading some Christmas stories together.
We are very grateful to our wonderful parent helpers who made this trip possible.


It is certainly the start of the festive season as the children had a wonderful time at the chicken shed theatre watching the show, “Christmas tales”. They were a very good audience and got actively involved in the show; dancing, clapping, stamping their feet and speaking to the actors. This experience helped the children learn about road safety and how it was important to follow rules. It also helped them with their confidence and language development as they were interacting with the actors and answering their questions.
Please continue to support your children at home with their speaking and listening skills by reading some Christmas stories together.
We are very grateful to our wonderful parent helpers who made this trip possible.


In maths we have been learning about the different composition of the numbers 4 and 5 using multilinks, five frames and counters and numicons. The children explored the different ways to make the number 4; 4 and 0, 3 and 1, 2 and 2 and the number 5; 4 and 1, 3 and 2, 5. Please keep supporting them at home with their Maths learning.


After reading the book, Meg’s castle by Helen Nicoll ad Jan Pienkowski, the children made potions using different ingredients. They were amazed by what vinegar can do to sodium bicarbonate and described the reaction as “magical explosion”! They had to think about what to add and what their magic potions could do. We then used our phonetic knowledge to record our work.


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Still image for this video


This week we read the book George and the dragon by Christopher Wormell. The children enjoyed making shields in the junk modelling area using cardboard, tissue papers, masking tapes and PVA glue. They worked as a team sharing ideas and resources and tried to use the pattern knowledge from maths when designing their shields.


It was wonderful to have our parents in our setting to take part in Maths activities. The children enjoyed playing maths games with their parents and showed them how they learn maths at School. Thank you parents for coming to our Maths morning.


The children have been spelling words using their phonetic knowledge. They are using good letter formation to write the corresponding graphemes. We are very proud of them.

Tricky words for this half term are: I, is, the, put, pull, full, as. 

MATHS MORNING FOR PARENTS IS ON MONDAY 11TH NOVEMBER (Please book your seats soon by returning the signed form.)

Our learning for the next half term will be based upon the theme of 'Castles’. This topic will help children learn about the different types of houses and how they are built. There will be discussions about houses in the past and present. We will be grateful for donations of any cardboard boxes that will be used for junk modelling.

Our learning for this half term will be based upon the theme of 'Wonderful Me’. This topic gives us the opportunity to get to know the children better, and provides plenty of scope for interesting discussions and learning. 

Please check the newsletter for some important dates to mark in your calendar. Thank you.


After reading the book, “Funny bones”, the children had to put the bones of the skeleton together in the correct order. They observed and identified the different parts of the skeleton. They also looked at the X-rays to identify parts of the skeleton.


To celebrate Black History Month, the children were very lucky to get to taste food from all around the world. This made them aware of how divese our School community is and how supportive our parents are as they brought in food related to their culture. It was a successful event and the children had a fantastic time.



Reception children had a wonderful visit to our local library in Waltham Cross. We read a story together with the librarian and played a game to find the hidden puppets. We also got the opportunity to explore the library and look at all the books available. We learnt that joining the library is absolutely free and we can get 30 books issued for 3 weeks! Of course we probably won’t need 30 books but we have the opportunity to choose a variety of books.


The children have been drawing people and pets who live in their homes. They then used their phonetic knowledge to try and label the names of the members of their family. They did a very good job!


The children used mirrors to draw a simple self-portrait. They were encouraged to look at the colour of their eyes and hair and describe what they see. They enjoyed decorating the biscuits using their self portraits to guide them.


Welcome back to School, after what we hope was a happy and restful Summer. We have been so impressed with how well the children have settled into life at school, and seeing their happy smiles brightens up our day!


The children enjoyed their first PE lesson with our PE coach, Mrs Alcock. We are very lucky to have Mrs Alcock teach us PE lessons every week. The children learnt how to balance the bean bags on different parts of their bodies. They had to walk and run while balancing the bean bags on their heads and shoulders.


Please remember to come to School in your PE kits every Friday.


Reception children have started their phonic lessons and you must be very proud of them as they are doing very well. The sounds we have learnt this week are s,a,t,p. Please have a hunt around your house and see if you can find any objects that start with s,a,t or p sounds. Support your children in practising the letter formation using the correct letter formation phrase, for example; Down the tiger and across it’s neck for t.


Our phonics lead, Mrs Attridge will be hosting a Little Wandle phonic workshop for parents on Wednesday 25th September from 9AM to 9:30 AM. Please attend so you can clarify any questions you have.


Have a lovely weekend.


We had an exiting day at the farm where we got to feed the goats and go on a wallaby trail. We also saw the Meerkats getting fed. We enjoyed the journey to and from the farm as we went on a big coach with the nursery children and parents. Besides seeing and feeding the animals, we also got to play on the huge climbing frame and make structures with the big Lego blocks. What a fabulous day it was!


We have been learning about patterns in Maths. The children used beads to make bracelets for themselves. They first had to decide what their unit of pattern would be. Then they had to repeat that unit to make a pattern. They found it a bit tricky at the beginning but got very good at it with some support.


As part of our topic book is, Handa’s surprise, the children tasted the different fruits from the book and shared which was their favourite fruit and gave reasons why. Some liked the sweet guava or the sour passion fruit while a few liked the creamy avocado. They then had to chop the fruits carefully and put them on the skewers to make fruit kebabs. Now they will need to evaluate their fruit kebabs.


Reception class was very lucky to have the police visit. The children had a closer look at the handcuffs, baton, the police vest and even got a chance to wear the police hats. They asked a lot of questions and learnt about when to call the police and the number to dial is 999. We also got a closer look at the police van and listened to how loud the police siren was.


After reading the book, Super worm, the children used adjectives to describe the character. They had to use their phonetic knowledge to spell the adjectives. They confidently volunteered to come to the front and write the words on the board using the correct letter formation. We are super proud of them all!


The children were very thrilled to see the caterpillars turn into butterflies. The butterflies have finally emerged from their chrysalis. We saw the meconium which is the waste material left over in the butterfly’s abdomen after metamorphosis. At first the children thought it was blood as it is red in colour. We had 3 butterflies and we were very excited to watch them fly away.


We read the book Errol’s Garden, which is about a boy who lives in a flat and does not have a garden. His dream is to have a garden so he plans and designs a roof garden. We got inspired by Errol and planned our own roof garden. Then we used junk modelling materials to build blocks of flats and grew cress on the roof, windows and balconies of the flat. We worked as team and it was great fun!


After reading the poem, ‘The secret garden by’, Nadeem, we went to our School garden to experience the feeling of being in a garden all by ourselves. We closed our eyes to listen to the sounds around us and we heard the birds, beetles and the breeze through the leaves. We could smell the grass and feel the warm sun. This made us feel calm and happy.
We took the slugs that we found to the investigation area to observe them closer under the magnifying glass. We discussed how slugs had no shells while snails do.


To celebrate Earth Day, we came to School wearing a splash of blue or green. We learnt about different ways to look after our planet Earth and made a poster to share the information.


This term we have started working with numbers beyond 10. We used two tens frames and counters to represent the numbers beyond 10. We had to fill the first ten frames with all the counters. Then we had to add one more or two more or three more counters to the second tens frame to made the numbers 11, 12 or 13.


After reading the story of the 'The Three Little Pigs', reception children got inspired to build houses using bricks and sand. We also used straws, sticks and bricks to build the three types of houses in the story. We explored what it was like for pigs to live in the farm. We enjoyed making a den and acting out scenes of the story and we even made a warning sign to keep safe from the wolf!


Reception class worked together as a team to convert our shed into a Garage. We are very excited with our new Garage and have enjoyed fixing our bikes and cars. 

Our next project is the investigation area and we had fun painting the pallet.


Reception children enjoyed taking part in science week. We joined Fiona in a live event to learn how she cares for sheep, cows, and pigs at each stage of their lives. We are all looking forward to our trip to the farm next term. 

We also learnt about the life cycle of a chicken and labelled the life cycle diagram using our phonetic knowledge.


Maths morning with parents.

We had a wonderful maths morning with our parents showing them our learning. We then played maths games with our parents. Thank you for coming to our maths lesson moms and dads.


World Book Day

We all dressed up as our favourite character from a book on world book day. We also took part in a whole School assembly to understand the importance of celebrating World Book Day.


This term in PE we are learning different types of ball skills. We are learning how to throw and catch a ball, bounce a ball while moving into space, demonstrating different ways of bouncing a ball and rolling and pushing a ball.


We used spring onions, carrots, frozen peas, soya sauce, vegetable oil to cook noodles to celebrate Chinese new year. We had to be very careful when grating the carrots and when cooking the food in the hot oil. After cooking, we enjoyed eating our noodles using chopsticks.


We had another fun PE session as we got the climbing equipment out. We had to test our strengths on the ropes, balance on the planks, climb up the equipment safely and climb back down again. We also had to jump off, bounce and roll over. It was another great PE session with our PE coach, Mrs Alcock.


Thank you for attending the phonics workshop for parents. Please do speak to Mrs Attridge or myself if you have any questions.



After reading the book, ‘Jack and the beanstalk’, we planted bean seeds. We learnt that plants need soil, water, sunlight and space to grow.


Happy New Year!

Our topic for this term is traditional tales and this week our focus book was 'The princess and the pea.' After reading the book, the children took some peas to the digging area and burried them in the soil to grow. We discussed how plants need water, sun and soil to grow. The children also make a bed for the princess using tissue papers to make the matresses and they put a pea under the matresses to check if she was a true princess.


It has been a busy week as we have been practising our Christmas nativity. We also made wonderful Christmas hats that we wore when having our Christmas lunch.


We had a great time getting the early year's evironment ready for Christmas. We helped Mrs Attridge set up Santa's grotto and we also made Santa's sleigh using the playground equipment. 



We have been working very nicely together to keep our outdoor area clean. There was some good sharing of equipment and team work.


The children enjoyed a wonderful maths morning session with parents as they took part in many activities that involved learning in maths. It was so wonderful to see so many parents turn up.



Reception children enjoyed their first PE session with their coach. They showed very good listening and followed the rules. They worked in teams and were very good in turn taking.


Please remember to come to School in your PE kit every Friday.



We have been enjoying performing music and dance on our new stage this week. Watch that space for many more performances to come.



Reception Welcome Letter


The children identified what herbs they were planting by smelling them. They had to dig out the soil, plant the herbs and water them. They all took turns in planting and watering and discussed which was their favourite herb.



After reading the book, 'It's my Birthday' by Heln Oxenbury, the children baked cakes and decorated them. Then we had a class party and enjoyed our delicious cakes together.


This week we have been reading the book Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and Patrick Benson. The children made nests for the owl babies and identified Diurnal and Nocturnal animals.


This week in Maths, we have been learning how to match, sort and compare different objects using different attributes like colour, shape and size. The children also enjoyed building interesting objects like musical instruments, robots, flower pots, etc, in our junk modelling area.

In phonics the new sounds we have learnt are g, o, c, k. 


This week we been reading the book, 'My mom and dad make me laugh' by Nick Sharratt. We have been discussing what makes us laugh and what our moms and dads do that we find very funny. 


We have also been looking at the different spotty and stripy patterns in our environment and have been designing our own patterns.


15/9/23 Reception children enjoyed sharing a book with our older Year 4 children. We will be sharing a book together every week.

Our First Week in Reception.

RECEPTION 2022 - 2023

Preparing and enjoying our Teddy Bear's Picnic

Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July: Under the Sea

This week the children have been learning about Under the Sea creatures. They have listened to lots of books linked to under the sea, learnt an under the sea dance, took part in under the sea yoga and engaged with some under the sea colouring and snap. The children have also been busy building construction models which they wanted you to see. Lastly, Duroni got a certificate in celebration assembly this week and sat through the whole assmbly next to his special friend Zainab in Year 6. 

Wednesday 28th June: Eid and Shakespeare Workshop

Monday 19th June - Friday 30th June: Summer 

This week the children have been learning about the season Summer. They have been reading books relating to summer and completing various activities about Summer. Children have also had a go at writing items they would take to the beach. Here are some photos of their learning. 

Monday 12th June - Friday 16th June: Growing and Father's Day

This week the children have been learning about what a plant needs to grow. They listened to the story Oliver's Vegetables and also planted their own tomato seed. The children made sure their plant had soil, a tomato seed and some water. The children have learnt that their plants need to be watered every day to help it grow. The children have also learnt about Father's Day and have made their own card this week too. 

Reception Class Assembly: Friday 9th June

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Reception class shared what they learnt about keeping teeth healthy with their parents and pupils in the school. They ended their assembly with a song.

Monday 22nd May - Friday 26th May: Healthy Teeth

This week the children have been learning about keeping our teeth healthy. We looked at how to brush our teeth, how many times and how long to brush our teeth for. The children also learnt which foods are good and not good for our teeth. 

Monday 15th May - Friday 18th May: Mental Health Awareness Week

This week the children have been focusing on their wellbeing. They have been learning that it is okay to feel different things and that if we aren't feeling happy that we should talk to someone about it so that our worries get better. The children started the day doing a Joe Wicks workout and in PE they did some yoga. 

Tuesday 2nd May - Friday 12th May: Coronation Celebrations 

The children have been engaging in lots of activities which are linked to the King's Coronation. They prepared for a Coronation celebration with the whole school. The children making crowns and decorating biscuits. 

Tuesday 18th April - Friday 21st April: Growing 

This week the children were introduced to their new topic growing. The learning focused on the children learning about the human life cycle and how plants grow. Here are some pictures of their learning: 

We love building models with construction

March 20th - Friday 31st March: Easter 

Over the last couple of weeks the children have been learning about Easter. They have completed lots of different activities such as:

1. Pom Pom egg painting

2. Tissue paper bunny and egg collage activity

3. Easter bingo

4. Easter word hunt 

Here are some pictures of their fun learning. 

Tuesday 28th March RE DAY: Easter 

The children learnt about Easter, how it is celebrated and the symbols. The children also learnt about Passover which is a Jewish festival similar to Easter. They tried a hot cross bun and made the link with the cross on the hot cross bun. 

Monday 13th March - Friday 17th March: Science Week and Mother's Day

This week the children have been completing different science activities throughout the week. 

1. Wildlife faces - the children had to connect the animals faces together and spend particular attention of the shape of their face, colour of their eyes and skin and key features that the animal has. 

2. Happy smells - the children had pictures of different food items. One of each item was in a small pot which was covered in black paper and had pierced holes. The children had to use their sense of smell to guess what was inside the pot. 

3. Nature dectective - The children went outside to look for creepy crawlies and look at the sheet to see what they found. 

The children also used their cutting skills to make a plant picture. 

On Friday they learnt about Mother's Day. They wrote Mother's Day cards to take home and also spent some time making their own cards or colouring a picture for their mum during CIL. 


World Book Day

The children came dressed up in story characters. They spoke to their friends about what they were dressed up as and which story their character came from. The children too part in lots of different activities:

1. A book scavengar hunt

2. Choosing a favourite book and designing the front cover

3. Drawing pictures of themselves and their friends in the costumes they were wearing. 

The next day the chidlren drew of a picture of the character they dressed up as. They then treid to use their phonics to write the name of their character. 

Tuesday 21st February - Friday 24th February: National Yoga Day and Pancake Day

This week the children had a go at participating in Cosmic Kid Yoga. They also learnt about Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday and completed various activities based on this. As a treat, they all got to eat a pancake on Friday which they loved. 

RE DAY 9th February - Things we belong to.

RE DAY Thursday 9th Feb. We talked about the different groups we belong to and how we can tell what group someone belongs to because of the clothes they wear like our school uniform. We drew pictures to show what groups we belonged to and who in lives in our house. 

Monday 23rd January - Friday 27th January: Chinese New Year 

This week the children have been learning about the festival Chinese New Year. They have watched videos to develop their understanding. The children have also listened to the Chinese New Year story and learnt about all the animals in the story. They have also explored writing numbers and animal names in Chinese in coloured sand. The children have also watched the dragon dance and had a go at making their own dragons. 

Reception enjoyed shared reading with Year 4

Monday 16th January - Friday 20th January: People Who Help Us

This week the children have been focusing on People Who Help Us. They have been learning about different People Who Help Us and their jobs. The children have also learnt about the vets in particular, who goes to the vets and what happens when you visit the vets. The children have been watching videos to develop their understanding. The children have enjoyed their new role play area this week which is the vets. 

Monday 9th January - Friday 13th January: Small in the City

This week the children have been listening to the story Small in the City which is set in a city. Reception class have been learning about London this week. They have learnt about the key buildings in London. The children have recreated their London experiences using the London tuft tray which consisted of high rise buildings, key buildings found in london, the underground sign/tube map, traffic lights and lots of different vehicles. In Maths the children have been learning about repeating patterns. The children have also been beginning to use their phonic knowledge to write words which match the picture selected. 

Our Christmas Party!

Christmas: 12th December - 16th December

This week the children have been preparing for the Christmas fair. They have been busy making reindeer food and a christmas ornament for their christmas tree. The children have also been listening to christmas music and taking part in christmas maths. They have been busy decorating a christmas tree on the computer. The children have also been busy making a Christingle ready for the Christingle service and enjoyed Christmas dinner on Christmas jumper day. They have been busy making a christmas party hat to wear whilst having their Christmas dinner.

Christmas: 5th December - 9th December

This week the children have been learning about Christmas. They have been busy decorating the Christmas tree. Taking part in Christmas maths and learning about the season Winter through sensory play. 

Winter, Letters to Santa and RE DAY: 28th November - 1st December

This week the children started the week learning about Winter. We looked at the key features of winter, winter clothing and artic animals. We have also been busy writing our letters to Santa and then made a trip to the postbox to post the letters. Finally, we have been learning about two festivals 'Hanukkah' which is celebrated by Jews and 'Christmas and Christingle' which are celebrated by Christians. The children have learnt that both are festivals of light. 


We would like to celebrate Reception class reading a sentence this week. They are getting better every day at reading during phonics lessons. Well done!

Our family: Monday 21st November - Friday 25th November

This week the children have been learning about their family. They have listened to a range of stories which relate to family. We have spoken about diverse families and names of family members. The children have also been busy drawing pictures of their family. Some children have also been busy recreating events from home in the home corner. 

Children in Need: Monday 14th November - Friday 18th November

This week the children have been learning about children in need. They listened to the story 'Pudsey Great fundraiser' and learnt about raising money for a charity. Reception class have been busy making and decorating pudsey bear biscuits to raise money for children in need. The children have also been busy colouring in pudsey bear bunting for the fundraising day, colouring in pudsey bears, adding pom poms to pudsey bandanna and counting bears. Here are some photos of their learning this week. 

Children in Need Cake sale end of school on Friday, Biscuits and Chocolates £1 each.

Monday 7th November - Friday 11th November: Remembrance Day

This week the children have been learning about Remembrance Day. They have listened to the story 'Where the Poppies Now grow' and watched videos all this day. The children have also coloured in poppy wreaths, made poppies with playdough, designed their own medals which would have been given to the soldiers and created their own poppies. The children also took part in a minute silence on Friday at 11am with the rest of the school. Here are some photos of their learning this week. 

Monday 31st October - Friday 4th November

This week the children have had great fun learning about Halloween, Diwali and Bonfire Night. The children have taken part in lots of activities to support them to understand these celebrations. The children also listened to lots of stories which linked to these festivals.  The children designed pumpkins and dressed up for halloween. They created their own mendhi patterns, rangoli patterns, dressed up in traditional indian clothes and danced to some diwali music. Finally, they created their own firework paintings with paint and chalk for bonfire night. The children also watched lots of videos to learn about the festivals. 

Monday 17th - Friday 21st October: Black History Week 

This week the children have been looking at the actor Ira Aldridge and the country Madagascar. They have also learnt lots about black history by watching videos and taking part in lots of craft activities. The children have also read lots of stories linked to black history. The children have made bead necklaces using pasta and straw and also created their own aftican masks. The children also had a visitor from another child in the school to see the traditional clothes that are worn. The children have also learnt some afro beat dancing and created their own dance moves to the song from Madagascar called 'I like to move it move it'. Here are some pictures of their fun week. 

Monday 10th October - Friday 14th October 

This week the children took part in RE Day where they learnt about Harvest and a Jewish festival called Sukkot. The children learnt that during Sukkot Jews live in a Sukkah for 7 days and are thankful for the world God has provided for them. Reception class enjoyed colouring in a Sukkah and also making paper chains. The children have been looking at a book 'Amazing Africa'. They have listened to african music, explored african safari animals and also looked at african patterns used on traditional clothes. The children have also taken part in some african cutting. Here are some pictures of their learning. 

Monday 3rd October - Friday 7th October: Harvest week

This week the children have been learning all about Harvest. They have been taking part in fruit and vegetable printing, decorated a giant scarecrow using straw and bits of fabric and learnt the song lyrics and actions to the song 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow'. The children also learnt about what harvest is and how it is celebrated. On Friday they went to see the collection of food themselves and the rest of the school had collected. The children learnt that this food was going to be taken to the food bank. Here are some pictures and a video of them performing the song. 

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow Song

Still image for this video

Monday 26th September - Friday 30th September

This week the children have listened to the story 'Leaf Man'. They have learnt about the season Autumn. The children have also begun learning their phonic sounds. They have been busy identifying the initial sounds of the phonic sounds they have already learnt. Reception class have also started busy fingers which involves them completing activities to improve their fine moter skills e.g. cutting, writing and colouring. Here are some pictures of the fun learning the children have been doing this week. 



Reception class have been fun settling into school this week. They have been busy learning both inside and outside. Here are some pictures of the children having fun!



Archive Reception Page

07/07/22: Learning and having fun in Reception.

06/07/22: Getting ready for our new Reception children to visit us at the Stay and Play.

30/06/22 : Sunflowers! Reception's seeds have sprouted really fast!

20th - 24th June 2022: Sports Week

Welcome To Reception Class!

We hope you enjoy exploring our fantastic learning in Reception.

Class Teacher: Mrs A Attridge

Teaching Assistant: Miss S Spears



16.06.2022: World Market Day. Reception class represented Belgium.

10th June 2022 The Gingerbread Man - To support our book this week we decorated Gingerbread Men

27/05/22: Jubillee Day! Sandwich making, Cake decorating, AMAZING outfits, games and a lovely picnic with friends.

24/5/22 Getting Jubilee Ready!



We have been watching our eggs hatch, we have 9 eggs and so far 7 of them have hatched. We watched one of the eggs hatch live on Thursday morning and we are stil waiting

for two more to hatch. The chicks are now going home with Mrs Attridge for the weekend. 


Big Bear Funk Summer Term music

This Term we are listening and makin our own Funky Music with Bear Bear Funk!


World Book Day 2022

Whole Class Phonics

Our P.E lessons

Our Opticians

We celebrated Chinese New Year!

Christmas Pudding Song

Still image for this video

Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star

Still image for this video

We Wish you a Merry Christmas

Still image for this video

We went to the Post Box to send our letters to Santa

Children in Need Day

Remembrance Day

Firework Fun! 

On Monday we had a lot of fun paining to Music. We listened to Music for Royal Fireworks and splattered the paint to match the music. 

Today we celebrated Diwali, We made Rangoli patterns, sculpted clay divas, had a Diwali feast of samosas, pakoras, and bhajis and then we learnt a diwali dance. Mrs Dhanjal from Year 3 came to talk to the children about how she celebrates Diwali at home. 

We read the story Leaf Man and then made our own versions.

Fun with Phonics

Fun in the book corner

Autumn Treasure Hunt

Harvest Activities