11th February 2025 - Safer Internet Day 2025 - Today Yr3 had two live lessons on the subject of being scam aware. We joined with schools all over the country to share our ideas and learn how to be scam aware.
7th February 2025 - This week we had a visit from Foundation Sports. In English we wrote recounts about the visit and we then used the laptops to write up our recounts.
31st January 2025
This week in Art we have been studying water colour techniques. We looked at the work of Claude Monet and used the technique of wax relief to create our own versions his famous painting Water lillies. Once they are on display, I will add a photo to show their masterpieces.
24th January 2025
This week in science we had lots of fun testing out the effects of friction. We sent cars down ramps covered with different surfaces to see which one travelled the furthest. We made predictions before we carried out our tests in small groups.
17th January 2025
In P.E this week we completed fitness circuits. We really enjoyed the boxing.
January 10th - This week we were hot seating characters from our new book The Finger Eater. We took it turns to be the Finger Eater or Goodrun!
16th December - We were very busy getting things ready for the Winter Market!
13th December 2024 - Today we had our class assembly all about the Winter Soltice - Well done to all the children for taking part. Unfortuantley I forgot to take the camera in and take any photos!!
5th December 2024 - Year 3 went to Stevenage this week to see the pantomime of Peter Pan.Lots of fun had by all!
29.11.24 This week in science we got to examine some real fossils. We then carried out our own fossil hunt by hiding pictures of fossils for another group to find. We are really enjoying finding out about rocks and soils this term.
20th November 2024 Yr 3 Maths morning. Thank you to all the parents who came along, we had a lovely time showing you our maths challenges.
15th November Maths Week
15th November Speak Up! We held our own Peaceful Protest outside so we could expereince what it would be like.
8th November 2024 - Speak Up! This week the whole school have read the book Speak Up! We have really enjoyed this book and will be having more fun activities planned round this book next week.
Yr 3 Maths Morning Wed 20th November. Please see letter Many Thanks.
25th October 2024 - What an amazing time we have had this week for Black History Month.
18th October 2024
What a busy week we have had in Year 3 this week! We started off the week with a fabulous coding lesson, then on Tuesday we finished our Design Technology unit by making our Stone Age clay pots. On Wednesday we made our South African Apple Cake for our diversity afternoon and finally today we have had a wonderful Samba lesson and then we returned to class to find out that we had won the attendance cup with 100% attendance!
Well Done Year 3 we are so proud of you!
Mrs Attridge & Miss Spears.
Week Ending 18th October 2024
11th October 2024Yr 3 Coding - In ICT we have been learning how to code using free code Gorilla on Purple Mash.
4/10/24 Stone Age Clay and Painting
This week in DT we made our own paint stone age style! We used rocks (rolling pins) to crush up our coloured rocks (chalk) and charcol to mix with water and use to paint our clay tiles that we made two weeks ago. We will then use these skills to decorate our clay pots when we make them. We then used the spare paint to make our own paintings.
18.09.24 Flexible Place Value - Year 3 really got to grips with flexible partitioning this week.
19.09.24 Science - Today we made moveable hands with joints and bones and ligaments to try and understand how our muscles work
13th September 2024
This week year three have been very busy getting to know all thier new topics for the term.
A few reminders
PE kits should be in school for our lessons on Tuesday and Thursday.
No earrings should be worn on these days. A jumper or joggers would be good as the weather gets colder.
Spelling Tests will be on Thursday with new spellings and homework also given out this day.
Meet the Teacher for Year 3 is on Tuesday at 9.00 in the school hall.
It will be wonderful to see as many of you as possible.
This week Year 3 took a class trip to Frameless Multi-Sensory Art Exhibition. it was an interactive art exhibition which allowed us to think creatively about the different types of painting portrayed.
Week 4
This week in Geography Year 3 have been learning about deserts. We startd by labelling the different deserts on a map then analyzing the different climates in the desert.
Week 3
On Tuesday Four Swannes had their Sports Day. Well done to all students who participated in Sports Day and thank you to parents for attending our Sports Day!
13.06.24 On Monday we had a Quidditch day. Children played sports from the movie Harry Potter.
04.06.24 This week for English Year 3 started a new book on poems. We worked as a group to compare the differences and similarities between some of the different poems in the book.
24.05.2024 This term Year 3 has been learning about making collages in Art. Year 3 made butterfly collages using different coloured paper and tissue paper.
This week in English Year 3 learnt about imperative verbs and how to use them to make our sentences more interesting. Year 3 have also enjoyed learning Time as our new topic in Maths this term.
This week Year 3 have started reading a new book for our English topic. Our new book this week is called George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. Year 3 had fun reading the first chapter together and prediciting what the next chapter of the story was going to be. We had also drawn a picture of what our predictions would look like.
25.04.24 This week we celebrated Earth Day at school. Year 3 participated in various activities to promote awareness about World Earth Day. Some of the activities that Year 3 participated in included going on a Nature Walk, making a poster to promote recycling to help our environment and completing a world search on all the things we could do to protect our environment.
18.04.24 Welcome back from the Easter holidays! This week Year 3 has started an new adventure book called Varjak Paw. Year 3 also started a new Science topic called Light. This week we explored how light reflects on different surfaces as well as the different materials that reflect light.
Year 3 has been practicing really hard for our Easter play this week and are really excited to show our parents our performance. We look forward to seeing you on the 27th at 2.15pm!
Math morning 15.03,24
Today we looked at our current topic, Fractions.
We played a variety of games based around Fractions,
The children showed great understanding of the topic.
Thank you to the parents who joined us this morning!
World Book Day! 07.03.24
music lesson
This term the children were introduced to the recorder
We won the Attendance Cup
Visit from basketball player Braydon Inger
Mrs Alcock arranged for professional basketball player, Braydon Inger to visit us.
Braydon taught the class some basic basketball skills.
A big thank you to Braydon and Mrs Alcock!
Christmas Baubles
The children work hard creating their own Christmas decorations.
Welcome To Year 3
We hope you enjoy seeing our fantastic learning in Year 3!
13th November 2023 - Maths Week. To start the week we had some parents join us for some maths games in the hall. Thank you to those parents who attended.
More Maths Week activities. The children continue playing different maths games throughout the week.
17.11.23 - Children in Need. Today the the Children enjoyed coming to school in the their pyjamas. Thank you for all your donations!
13.11.23 - Anti-Bullying Week. The children show their support of standing against all forms of bullying by wearing their odd socks on Odd Sock Day.
Welcome back after the half term, I hope everyone had a lovely break. This week, in Geography Year 3 looked at the different countries in the United Kingdom and learned to use an Atlas. We then learned to label a map using the Atlas to help us.
This half term we were learning the song Let Your Spirit Fly. We had fun putting in actions to match the lyrics that we were singing.
This week for History we are looking at the topic of Anglo Saxons and Scots so in Art we had a go at designing our own brooches while taking inspiration from how the Anglo Saxons used to design their brooches. We had a lovely time looking at the different colours and shapes our brooches could be.
This week for Science Year 3 has been looking at the different food groups and why it is important to have a healthy diet. We then sorted the different foods into their respective food groups.
This week Year 3 was able to have the opportunity to watch the Canoe Slalom World Championships at Lee Valley White Water Centre. It was a very exciting day and Year 3 had an amazing time watching the different competitions taking place.
This week for English, we are looking at Fables in particular the story of War and Peas by Michael Foreman. We have enjoyed reading the story as well as learning what are fables. Year 3 has also done an amazing job with including different conjunctions in their writing.
05.09.23 Welcome back to school! We hope you had an amazing school holiday and are ready for an exciting school year ahead. This week in PSHE we looked at our achievements. Children worked as a group to look at different pictures and discuss what each person has achieved in the pictures. Children then took turns to talk about what they are proud of achieving over the last year and how it made them feel.
20.7.23 : Last day of term!
Thanks for all your hard work this year, Year 3 : you've been fantastic! Have a great summer, love from Ms. Steel and Mrs. Cunningham
7.7.23 Year 3 and 4 have had a brilliant time at their Science workshop today. They've made animations, learnt coding, simple robotics, made marble runs and, most importantly, done it all as part of a team. Great work everyone!
28.6.23 The whole school took part in a performance of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' today. Each class had a 30 minute workshop to learn their part and then we put them together for the final performance. Year 3 did a great job of opening the play!
23.06.23 Well done Year 3 for the excellent effort you made at Sports Day this week. You were really supportive of one another and all made a great effort. Great job!
16.6.23 Our new project in DT is to make pop up books, so we practised today by creating pop up Father's Day cards.
9.6.23 Year 3 have had a great first week back and in English, we've been looking at the poetry of Joseph Coelho. The children were challenged to write a poem about emotions and came up with brilliant similes such as : 'when I'm angry, my hands scrunch like a paper ball' and 'when I'm excited, my fingers are like a slide tingling down my arm' and 'when I'm angry, my tummy boils like a kettle'. Great work Year 3!
24.05.23 : Year 3 did a 'Big Write' today and wrote a setting description of a beautiful mountain scene. As the weather was so lovely, we went outside to share some of our work with one another.
12.5.23 This week, Year 3 have planted some cress seeds to see how they grow when they're deprived of the things they need. We've placed them in different locations around the classroom including in the cupboard, the freezer and on the radiator.
26.04.23 Year 3 were lucky enough to take part in the first EVER Herts for Learning Year 3 online Maths Quiz this week! They had to work in teams of 4 to solve some tricky Maths problems, which really put their understanding and knowledge to the test. They worked really well together and came up with alot of correct answers.
21.04.23. Year 3 have worked really hard this week and have got the Summer term off to a flying start! This afternoon, they started their new art topic of 'Rangoli patterns by learning how to copy symmetrical designs.
Thank you once more for all your hard work this term Year 3! You've done brilliantly and really pushed yourselves to achieve : we're so proud of you! Have a lovely Easter break and we'll see you again soon.
from Ms. Steel and Mrs. Cunningham
Year 3 showed how much progress they've made in their recorder lessons with a performance in assembly today. Great job!
17.3.23 We've had an action packed Science week in Year 3! We've looked at how to build bridges strong enough to hold weights out of paper, designed space ships and inventions to solve household problems and learned about food chains.
10.3.23 This week, the fantastic Bad Lay-Dee came to Four Swannes and treated Year 3 to a rap workshop, where they were encouraged to write about respecting and being kind to one another.
3.3.23 : Year 3 enjoyed their trip to Verulamium this week.
Year 3 had the opportunity to work on their handwriting this week for a national competition. They had to copy out a poem onto unlined paper, focusing on their joins, letter sizes and overall presentation. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for all of your hard work this half term Year 3! Just one more day of the week to go and then you get a well earned rest. You've worked really hard and definitely deserve a break. Make sure you find plenty of time to relax and we'll see you again soon!
Ms. Steel and Mrs. Cunningham
Year 3 have been enjoying their peer reading sessions with Year 6!
First time on recorders Y3.MOV
Year 3 had their first recorder lesson today! They learnt the note 'b' and managed to play along to a piece of music. Well done Year 3 : great job!
Congratulations Year 3 for a very successful production of 'Babushka' this week!
Year 3 performed the poem 'White Noise' in English today and focused on how to adapt their tone and volume for the content of the poem. They did really well and everyone had a go.
Year 3 have been working really hard this week on their assessments and rehearsing for their production next week. Well done Year 3!
Thank you parents for coming to our assembly!
In Science this week, we learnt about how soil is formed. Year 3 made tasty chocolate sundaes to illustrate the different layers it's composed of!
Year 3 joined in with the fundraising efforts for 'Children in Need' in their PE lesson this week. They tried to do as many squats, star jumps and burpees as they could in one minute and then tried to dance to as many songs as possible within the lesson.
In Science this week, Year 3 undertook their first proper practical lesson of the year. They were tasked with investigating the permeability, durability and density of different rocks.
Year 3 had a great time on their teambuilding day yesterday. They learned that working together takes kindness, compromise, cooperation and being a good listener; all attributes they needed to solve the mystery of kidnapped Kevin, the missing llama!
In English this morning, the children used laptops to research different African countries. Not only did they independently log onto the laptops, but they managed to find out lots of interesting information with a partner.
In Science this half term, we've been learning all about how bodies move. This week our lesson was about muscles and how the biceps and triceps work together to help you move your arm.
Year 3 enjoyed a very practical lesson in Maths where they learnt how to read scales.
In Maths today, the children worked in pairs to play a game, which tested their understanding of place value. Some great tactical play went on!
Year 3 had their first Computing lesson today! We're learning how to code and today they learnt the terms 'algorithm', 'event', 'object' and 'action'. They put these into practice by creating a sea themed screen saver!
Welcome back Year 3! Here's our phonics group working hard with Mrs.Cunningham this morning.
~~ Welcome to a new school year! ~~
For RE day we learned that both Christians and Sikhs feel that God wants them to give generously to the poor. They believe this because their holy scriptures tell them. This is us acting out the story of the poor widow who gave generously.
Thank you to Mrs Allcock, Mrs Dhanjal and Nhyira's mum for helping us have such a wonderful day. As you can see great fun was had by all.
As a school we celebrated world music day on Tuesday. We remembered a simple song but made it more complex with actions and dynamics. Then we led the school in singing the song.
Even though it has been a shorter week the children have been very busy. In English we have been looking at the rules for using apostrophes. We remember that we don't use apostrophes for plurals. In Maths we are looking at multiplication by ten. Our new topic for science is light. So we had a great investigation that helped us understand that we can't see objects without light. We have also danced to music, had PE with Mrs Alcock and recapped our Spanish musical instruments! Busy busy busy!
Year 3 had a wonderful day celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We had some special visitors who talked to us about the Queen's coronation. We planted a sapling tree and we created a Bug Hotel called Buggingham Palace. We hope the bugs enjoy their new home!
In English this week we practiced and performed a poem called I am Red Fox. It was quite a challenge to read it together smoothly and fluently but we kept going and tried our best.
For International Day we were fortunate to have an Irish Dancing Workshop
Last term we wrote persuasive letters to Femi, the drummer. He loved our letters and decided that he would come and visit our class - even though he was so busy. We learned different rhythms and made up our own using the names of our favourite drinks.
This week we have enjoyed our PE - creating gymnastics sequences and a game of Dodgeball.
We shared what we learned this week with the whole school
One of the science activities we did this week was to make a Roman Groma -the surveying equipment Romans used to create straight roads. It was a challenge but we persevered.
Year 3 and 4 had a great RE trip to the Enfield Baptist Church. Rev Mandy James taught us all about baptism.
Here we are doing our PE lesson. This term we have been learning Gymnastics. So far we have learned balances, rolls, travelling steps and today was different types of jumps
This week we had a visit from the Dog Trust to help us know how to be safe around dogs.
World Book day was a great success!
We learned so much on RE day today. As part of our day we got to ask Pastor Stuart some questions about what it means to lead a church.
Oh Come all ye faithful
Good King Wenceslas
Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer
The twelve days of Christmas
What a great time we had skateboarding today! It was lovely that the sun came out for us. Year 3 were very bold and brave.
Welcome To Year 3!
We hope you enjoy seeing our fantastic learning in year 3!
Class Teacher: Mrs V Emsley
Teaching Assistant: Mrs S Dhanjal
We had fun on RE day and did lots of great learning about Christianity and Christmas. We had a visit from a donkey who had lost Mary and Joseph!
Year 3 and 4 are busy preparing for our Christmas performance
We really enjoyed our trip to the Natural History Museum. We learned so much that fits in with our science topic. We saw and named bones. We compared dinosaur and mammal bones with our own bones. We also had a workshop where we "dived" down to 3000m to see what life is like underwater. Please enjoy the photos- sometimes the quality is not so good because it was dark.
What an exciting half term we have had. We have had some wonderful experiences recently. Black history month was a great success, we had lots of visitors to the school and we learned about their lives. We also had an RE day which was fun too. Below you can see just some of the things we have been up to.
Today is RE day. Year 3 are having a fantastic time learning all about Harvest Festival and the Sikh festival of Bandi Chhor Divas.
Here you can see Mrs Dhanjal teaching us all about how Sikhs celebrate the festival.
We reneacted the story of Guru Hargobind
We had a visit from Kerry from the North London Foodbank. She helped us understand what the foodbank does and how we can help. We are hoping to collect lots of food to donate to them as part of our Harvest Festival.
It's been a busy and exciting beginning to the term in year 3. Please enjoy some pictures that show some of the things we have been up to.
In English we were studying a book called And Tengo makes three- all about a penguin family. We were excited to have a visit from a penguin and his zoo keeper!
As a whole school we are focussing on reading this term. Mrs Dhanjal has created a beautiful reading corner for us. We read in the reading corner every day because we know just how important it is to hear good reading.
We had an exciting visit from an engineer who gave us a science workshop. We learned about the importance using renewable energy sources. We even had a go at making our own wind turbines, this took a lot of team work and concentration. Well done year 3!
As part of our RE curriculum KS2 went to visit the North Enfield Foodbank. The children toured the warehouse, were awed by the stock and had a chance to create food parcels for those in need. They learnt why the Christians who run Foodbank feel it is important to care for those around them.
Activity day
Year 3 had a wonderful time experiencing many different activities - they did us proud with their determination and team work
Spanish Day
We had a great time on Spanish day. As you can see we learnt to speak and write more spanish words, we learnt some Flamenco dancing and created Spanish food and drink. Most of us thought it was delicious
Mrs Emsley brought in some plants from home for the class to look at - we compared leaves, colour, flowers and size.
We put 4 plants in different locations to see how they coped in those environments. As you can see the results are clear. Plants NEED water, heat and light.
Year 3 have been busy planting seeds and comparing plants to enhance our science learning this term.
Please refer to the Home Learning section of the school website for information on home learning support. Follow the links to the education resources to support your child. Please try to ensure that your child fully engages with these learning opportunities. Remember any lessons should be supported with at least 20 minutes of reading every day.
From today, I will not be posting weekly activities that you can do at home. If you go to the home learning page on the school website, there are home learning resources that are really beneficial for the children to be using instead. I will also be adding activities for pupils to complete on Purple Mash.
Rembrance Day- This week, as a whole school we created pom poms with wool for our poppy rug. Also, as a class we made a poppy wreath using cupcake cases and lots of red paint! Messy but really fun!
Our firework art. Year three created a background and then used different art techniques for our firework pictures.
Year 3 had a wonderful trip to St Albans where we learnt about the Romans
Year 3 really enjoyed World Book day.
We each read part of our favourite book to the class.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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