Four Swannes Primary School
Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging
Welcome to Year 4
We hope you enjoy seeing our fantastic learning in year 4!
Class Teacher: Mrs Juanita Largo Afonso
Teaching Assistant: Mrs E Humphreys
AUTUMN 1 WEEK 2, 2024
Dear Parents,
This week has been full of exciting learning experiences for our class. In English, the students enthusiastically participated in a drama activity that not only sparked their creativity but also enhanced their communication skills. Our science lessons were equally captivating as we delved into the fascinating world of human teeth, discovering their structure and function. In geography, we embarked on a journey to Whitby, where the students learned to identify its unique features and historical significance. It’s been a joy to watch the students engage with these subjects so passionately.
Thank you for your continued support in their educational journey!
Summer 2
Week 6
This week we went to Cedars Park in Cheshunt to learn about its history. This is a historical park with a rich past.
Summer 2
Week 5 - Friday
Today, we visited the Frameless Multi-Sensory Art Exhibition. The experience allowed us to engage with art in an immersive and interactive environment, stimulating our senses and sparking our creativity.
Week 5
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our maths morning. We really enjoyed seeing you there.
Summer 2
Week 4
In history we are learning about our local area. This week we went to Waltham Cross to learn about its history.
Summer 2
Week 3
Thank you to all parents who attended sports day.
Summer 2
Week 2
On Monday we had quidditch day. Quidditch is a magical sport played in the world of Harry Potter.
Summer 2
Week 1
This week we celebrated D-day. D-day took place on 6 June 1944, it was a significant event during World War 2.
Summer 1
Week 6
This half term is nearly over! Wishing all our parents and guardians a restful break!
Summer 1
Week 5
In English, we've been learning about balanced arguments. We have been ending each lesson with a debate.
Summer 1
Week 4
This term in Science we are learning about Electricity and circuits. So far we have recalled a range of electrical appliances and classified them as mains or battery-powered. We also identified symbols for a circuit, as well as knowing how to make a complete circuit.
Summer 1
Week 3
This week we replied to the letters we received from the students at Ark John Keats Academy. It was a pleasure to learn about their school. Thank you AJK!
Summer 1
Week 2
On Monday we took part in national Earth Day. Earth Day serves as a reminder of the importance of our environment and the need for efforts to address challenges such as climate change, pollution, deforestation and loss of biodiversity.
Summer 1
Week 1
In our current English unit we are exploring an African tale called 'Fly Eagle Fly' . The book has stunning illustrations so one of our lesson was centered around discussing questions based on the book's imagery.
Spring 2
Week 5
Thank you to all who joined us for our Easter play. We wish everyone a restful break.
Spring 2
Week 4
This week we were busy completing our spring reading assessment in English. However towards the end of the week we tried a few different acting activities that linked to our English unit.
Spring 2
Week 3
Thank you to the parents that joined us on Monday for our Maths session!
Spring 2
Week 2
This week we celebrated the joy of reading and the power of books to inspire, educate and entertain. Let's take a moment to appreciate the writers who brings their imaginations to life!
Spring 2
Week 1
We have started our D&T unit. We are learning all the skills needed to make a pouch at the end of the unit. Lesson one was about the type of stitches we can use.
Spring 1
Week 6
This term in Art we have learned about Orphism. It is a cubist influenced style of art developed by Robert and Sonia Delaunay around 1912.
Spring 1
Week 5
This week in Science we investigated the best material to use to soundproof a studio. We recorded our results and analysed them.
Spring 1
Week 4
This week we ended our week by engaging in collaborative writing. Working in pairs, we shared ideas and took turns to contribute in the final piece.
Spring 1
Week 3
This week we had the PE apparatus for our Thursday lesson. It was challenigng yet an enjoyable session.
Spring 1
Week 2
This week brought us great joy as we were fortunate to have Brayden Inger as our special guest, sharing his impressive basketball skills with us.
Spring 1
Week 1
4DU has started the term with enthusiasm. In geography, we have dived into a captivating unit on earthquakes, discovering the powerful forces beneath the Earth's surface. Meanwhile in science, we have started exploring the world of sound, unravelling the mysteries of vibrations and waves.
Autumn 2
Week 8
Wishing everyone a joyous Christmas filled with warmth and laughter.
Autumn 2
Week 7
We hosted a festive Christmas stall this week. From handmade crafts to delicious treats, the stall buzzed with excitement.
Autumn 2
Week 6
In our recent practical lesson, the children had a hands-on experience making torches.
Autumn 2
Week 5
This week we embarked on a science experiment exploring the wonders of the digestive system. We created a model using household items to showcase the journey of food.
Autumn 2
Week 4
In Year 4, we're completing on a hands-on Design and Technology unit where we will be creating our very own torch.
Autumn 2
Week 3
Children in Need 2023
Children in Need day brought a delightful twist to our clasroom routine. We traded our uniforms for an array of colourful pyjamas.
Autumn 2
Week 3
Maths week
Thank you to all the parents who attended our Maths workshop. Your enthusiasm and participation added a sprinkle of joy to our Maths week.
Autumn 2
Week 2
This week we had an egg-citing time exploring the science of teeth!
Autumn 2
Week 1
We had the Halloween disco this week. Year 4 had so much fun seeing all the costumes and spending time with their friends!
This term in music we learned about the song Mamma Mia. Mamma Mia is from ABBA's third album. In 1999 the song was used as the title of a West End musical and in 2008 the musical was turned into a film.
This week in PSHE we identified what bullying is and we described the impact it can have on the victim as well as the bully. We ended our lesson with some role play!
This week in English we have been reading about women pioneers in science and wrote about them making sure to include prepositions and adverbs.
We have enjoyed our peer reading sessions with Reception so far and look forward to continuing weekly sessions sharing stories with each other.
w/b 18/09/23
This week we were fortunate enough to go along to the Canoe Slalom World Championships at the Lee Valley White Water Centre. We were able to watch the competition as well as participate in a kayaking activity. It was an exciting day for all and a wonderful opportunity for us to try something new.
Privacy and Consent
This week we learnt about what sorts of boundaries are appropriate in friendships with peers and others. We discussed our feelings and opinions of different scenarios and appropriate behaviour and responses.
w/b 11.09.2023
This term's topic for science is Living Things and their Habitats. So far we have sorted animals into groups using a Venn Diagram. We have also sorted animals into groups of vertebrates and invertebrates.
w/b 04.09.2023
Welcome back, we hope you've had an enjoyable summer holiday! Since returning to school, year 4 have been busy learning about the features of a myth in preparation for writing their own piece for English.
In maths, we have been looking at representing and partitioning numbers to 1000.
Some things we are looking forward to is reading different books, improving our writing skills and strengthening our place value understanding.
STEM Workshop
W/B 26.06.23
This week the whole school took part in a Shakespeare workshop. Each class had a part to rehearse and perform separately which was then performed collectively to the school. It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to be creative and expressive which they all enjoyed.
W/B 19.06.23
As part of our History unit, we are looking at local History. We took a walk through Waltham Cross and observed differences to old pictures.
This week in maths we have continued with learning the time. We had a group task to convert the time until our birthdays into days weeks and months.
W/B 22.05.23
Maths problem solving groupwork using division.
In PE this week we had a functional fitness session. Everyone had a great time as there were a variety of stations to suit everyone. Well done to the two children who won a medal for their effort!
W/B 15.05.23
This week in maths we are learning the long division method. We learnt a fun way to remember the steps involved which is: 'Does (divide) Mcdonalds (multiply) Sell (subtract) Burgers (bring down)'.
W/B 08.05.32
Our science topic this term is electricity. We have looked at different household appliances and devices and sorted into a Venn Diagram of mains powered and battery powered. This week we constructed a range of circuits, identifying the different components. We learnt that we can control the circuit by adding a switch.
Week beginning 24.04.23
This week in English we have been using our top ten vocabulary words to improve our writing. We have also used a dictionary to find definitions and a thesaurus to find synonyms to further expand our vocabulary.
Welcome back!
We hope you had a lovely Easter break.
To start off the summer term, we are looking at the book 'Fly, Eagle, Fly!' by Christopher Gregorowski. So far we have added some new words to our vocabulary wall to use in our English work, as well as creating a story map to recap the details read so far. Next week we will continue looking at the story and do our own writing with descriptive language.
In maths we are looking at fractions and how to find the fraction of an amount.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother's Handwriting Awards
Today we wrote our entries for the handwriting competition ensuring we used our best handwriting and accurately copied the layout of the poem, including punctuation.
World Book Day
In maths, we are continuing looking at properties of 2D shapes, this time focusing on recognising reflective symmetry in simple shapes, regular and irregular polygons.
Over the next three weeks, Year 4 will be looking at the book 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We are going to rehearse sentences orally, including dialogue, developing vocabulary and sentence structure. Today we have started by writing a descriptive paragraph about their ideas. We are also developing fluent, expressive reading with comprehension and drew an image from a description read.
Class Trip to The British Museum 07.02.23
Year 4 had their 'big write' this week based on a picture of a puppy. They made sure that they included adverbs, fronted adverbials, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases. After they finished, they peer reviewed each others work and gave constructive feedback.
In English, we have started to read the book 'The Day I Swapped my Dad for two Goldfish' to introduce the topic of persuasion. We have also looked at other persuasive texts to analyse for their effectiveness as well as identify the persuasive techniques used to attract people.
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their PE lesson this week with Ms Alcock. They got to use the apparatus as part of their gymnastics session.
Year 4 had their first peer reading session with Reception. They enjoyed sharing their reading book and talking about it with the children.
Christmas Performance (Babushka)
Well done to Year 3 and 4 for their effort in learning their lines and all the songs for their performance of 'Babushka'. You were all amazing!
In guided reading we are looking at the poem 'What's the Matter?' by Tom McGowen. We have learnt that the poet conveys matter in two ways and discussed the two different meanings.
Year 4 have been very busy this week creating their Christmas hats for the Christmas dinner as well as making their Christingles for the service on Thursday. They have also enjoyed making things to sell for the Christmas Fare.
Science Experiment Results
The results of our tooth decay experiment showed that coca cola and fruit juices were the most damaging to teeth, as we predicted, due to their high sugar content.
Week beginning 28.11.22
In English, we are looking at the poem Overheard on a Saltmarsh by Harold Monroe. To develop our spoken language skills, we all performed the poem with a partner. We will also develop our reading skills by discussing the characters in Overheard on a Saltmarsh, inferring from the text and building further relevant vocabulary.
English 29.11.22
Today we read the poem 'A Small Dragon' by Brian Patten. We discussed how descriptive language is used to create character and atmosphere before we wrote our own descriptive sentences.
Week beginning 21.11.2022
In maths this week, we have been looking at the whole and parts of a number represented in bar models. We also played a game in pairs where we rolled two dice then came up with a word problem for the two numbers.
In Science we are learning about animals including humans. We have been looking at the names of different teeth and their functions as well as comparing different animal teeth to humans. We have just started our science experiment on tooth decay to see what drinks are the most damaging to teeth. We are using an egg (their shell is similar to tooth enamel) in a cup of water, milk, coca cola, orange juice and apple juice. We will check them after the weekend.
Week beginning 14.11.22
This week in English, we have been learning about using apostrophes for possession. We have also been researching and recording information in preparation for writing our own non-chronological report, using the features and language that we have been learning about.
In Maths, we have started looking at factors of numbers.
During our weekly PE session with Ms Alcock, we have had a professional dancer teach us different moves and choreography.
11.11.22 (Remembrance Day)
Class Assembly
A huge well done to everyone in year 4 for your performance in the class assembly. You were all fantastic at remembering and delivering your lines, well done!
Thank you to the parents who attended, it was lovely to see so many of you.
October 2022
Black History Month
Week beginning 31.10.22
This week in maths we have been looking at multiplication, particularly creating and regrouping arrays for multiplication. We have also been learning multiplication facts through building arrays. We also played a mathematical game where we had to be the first to say the correct answer to a multiplication problem to win the card. We had a lot of fun while reinforcing our multiplication knowledge!
Week beginning 10.10.22
As a school we are all looking at the book 'Amazing Africa' for Black History Month.
We read about the countries of Lesotho and South Africa then acted out a role play as if we had visited the countries. We talked about what we saw, the activities that we could do in each country and how they compared to each other.
Week beginning 03.10.22
This week in PSHE, we have been discussing friendships. We acted out different scenarios showing positive or negative friendships then shared our ideas.
September 2022
Week beginning 26.09.22
We enjoyed acting out the story of Venus today in English. This will help us to remember the story in preparation for our own piece of writing.
Week beginning 19.09.22
In English, we have been learning about Roman Gods and Godesses. We chose some interesting vocabulary from the text and discussed their meanings. We are also looking at similes and metaphors and how we can use these to enhance our writing.
In Science, we are continuing to look at how we can sort living things into groups.
Week beginning 12.09.22
Year 4 have settled in really well to the new term. In music, we enjoyed learning the ABBA song 'Mamma Mia'. We started by clapping out the beat and then vocal warm up exercises before learning the lyrics. We have just started our new science topic of 'living things and their habitats', learning how to sort living things into a Venn Diagram.
In PE, with Mrs Alcock, we have started Hockey, learning how to dribble the ball and change direction.
Archive Year 4
Fantastic Fractions!
Year 4 have been working really hard on their understanding of fractions over the last couple of weeks. They've worked hard to learn how to find fractions of an amount using counters and also how to apply their understanding of times tables to help them. Today, we looked at finding fractions of shapes and writing our own word problems.
It has been great to see so many children persevering, even when they found the work tricky. Keep up the good work Year 4!
We have had a great day today! RE day! We joined together with year 3 to make the shape of a cross. Did you know that some churches were built in the shape of a cross?
Year 4 visited The North Enfield Foodbank as part of their RE curriculum. They had a great day learning about the food items, being amazed by the warehouse and helping to make up food parcels for those in need. They learned from Kerry the Food bank manager that Christians often feel that they want to help those around them - regardless of their beliefs and background- to show God's love for the world.
WB 20.4.20
Welcome back to home schooling! I hope you managed to have an enjoyable Easter.
I have attached some resources to support your child's English and maths learning this week.
Please continue with the next set of weekly spellings, science lesson and topic lesson (twinkl) Of course, you can refer to other child friendly websites too.
It is important that your child uses Matheletics and completes the tasks set and reads for a minimum of 20 minutes daily.
WB 30.3.2020
This week, we will be continuing with DECIMAL NUMBERS and you should focus on the following with your child:
I have put questions on Mathletics to support this objective but please refer to the other websites (including Twinkl and Primary Resources) to find activities for your child to practice.
Your child should have researched an animal of their choice in note form. It’s now time to start organising this information into paragraphs and write detailed sentences. Your child should try to use the following skills within their writing:
Spellings – Week 2 (attached)
Reading – Every day for 20 minutes
Continue with Electricity. Use Twinkl – Electricity Year 4 – Lesson 2
Continue with the Ancient Egyptians. In your child’s own words, they should explain the mummification process. They could draw diagrams too. Perhaps, your child might like to make their own mummy!
WB 23.3.2020
Year 4
In maths this week, we will be introducing DECIMAL NUMBERS and you should focus on the following with your child:
I have put questions on Matheletics to support these objectives but please refer to the other websites (including Twinkl and Primary Resources) to find activities for your child to practise.
In English, we will be beginning to look at non-chronological reports. I have attached a PowerPoint to help you. Your child should use this week to research an animal of their choice, putting the information you find into 4 sections (EG Appearance, Habitat, Diet & Characteristics). These only need to be written in note form, we are NOT writing the report this week.
Grammar for this week – apostrophes for possession
Spellings – Week 1 (attached)
Reading – Every day for 20 minutes
Our new topic for science is Electricity. Use Twinkl – Electricity Year 4 – Lesson 1
We are continuing with the Ancient Egyptians. This week focus on the Ancient Egyptian Gods. There are also lots of art and craft activities linking to our topic should your child like to have a go.
Ancient Egyptian Day
Year 4 had a wonderful day learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We had the opportunity to find out about their daily life, religion, culture and language. Without a doubt, the most exciting part of the day was carrying out the mummification process on a Pharaoh. Gruesome!
Welcome To Year 4
We hope you enjoy seeing our fantastic learning in year 4!
Class Teacher: Mrs C Kalli
Teaching Assistant: Mrs S Ward
World Book Day
Year 4 had lots of fun this year dressing up as their favourite book character. We also drew them and wrote character descriptions using exciting vocabulary!
Saint Albans Museum and Gallery
We visited the Saint Albans Museum and Gallery to find out more about our topic the Ancient Egyptians. We took part in a workshop where we dressed up as Ancient Egyptians and looked at real life artefacts.