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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging

School Logo

Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging


Year 2AZ

Welcome to Year 2!

We hope you enjoy sharing some of the fantastic things we've done in class. 


Teacher : Mrs Moore

Teaching assistant : Mrs Gordon


4/07/24 Today we had our maths morning.

26/06/24 Year 2 had Rocky's animals come and visit.

14/06/24 Year 2 made sock puppets for DT.

5/06/24 We had the police come to visit. The children had lots of questions to ask the police officers.

Monday 22nd April 2024

Today we celebrated World Earth Day! 

We watched videos about how to keep our planet safe and what we can do to help recycle more. 

We also made posters about the awareness about plastic in our ocean. 

To celebrate, we get to wear something blue and red on Friday. The children are looking forward to this! :) 

Friday 15th March 2024

Happy Red Nose Day! 

It was wonderful to see children dressed in red for Children In Need! 

Thursday 14th March 2024

We were delighted to invite parents for our Maths morning session. 

We used a variety of different manipulatives to show repeated addition and subtraction. 


This week we celebrated World Book Day! 

We all had fun dressing up as our favourite character from a book. smiley

We have had a VERY busy week at school doing some VERY fun activities. 


The children went to the pantomime to see Cinderella. They had so much fun but where VERY tired! It was worth it! The next day, we had a class discussion about all the fun things they saw and liked. 

We were also fortunate enough to have a Christmas bubble bubble workshop and to desgin and Christmas party hat for our Christmas lunch. 



Week 10 


This we in our math's sessions, we have been doing fun activities based on what we already know and consolidating our learning. We have five different activities which have been:

using ten's frame using counters to write number sentences

Using number lines to count more/ less than to write number sentences

Part- Whole model with playing cards

Part Whole model using 2x dice and writing number sentences

Part Whole model with double sided counters (red & yellow) with mini whiteboards


Please try these fun activities at home with your child to improve their math's skills! :) 


Week 9

This week in Math's, we have been learning about 2-D & 3-D shapes. 

Children have been learning about the properties of shapes,  recognising and naming both 2-D and 3-D shapes and to differentiate between them.

It is important that children have the chance to see and feel the shapes. They began to understand that 2-D shapes are flat and that the manipulatives they handle in class are representations of the shapes. 

I hope everybody had a lovely and restful half term! 

This week in our English  lessons, we have been looking at the book called 'Wisp' A story of Hope.  We were learning a new skill called inferencing. This is when we read stories, we look at pictures and use lots of different skills to work out what is happening. Inferring is a bit like being a detective. Children were finding the clues to work out the hidden information. 

They looked at the front page of the book to work out what the story might be about. 


Week 7

This half term in Music we have been learning about South African styles of music. We have also been learning a song about Hands, feet and heart. As we are celebrating Black History Month, it's been great implementing cross-curricular links such as Nelson Mandela as a famous and influential person in our lifetimes. Historical context of musical styles.


Still image for this video

Week 6


This week Year 2 won the attendance Trophy! This is amazing to see as all the children were super proud and happy to see that coming in to school everyday makes such a huge difference towards learning and attitude! WELL DONE YEAR 2! LET'S KEEP IT UP!! 

Week 5

Year 2 and Nursery had their first peer reading session of the year! 

Nursery choose the books this week to share with their older companions. Lots of good book related discussion has been done! Thank you Nursery, Year 2 very much enjoyed the company of the younger peers. 

Week 4 

This week in our Science lesson, we have been investigating various habitats. 

We looked at the animals that live there, the plants that grow and the climate too. We drew our own habitat and wrote sentences describing it and adding animals which we labbelled. 

Friday 22nd September 2023 


This week we have been doing fun gymnastics activities during our P.E lesson. 

We have been learning how to move around carefully on the apparatus, balancing, jumping, landing and learning how to effectively move using their coordination skills. 



Welcome back!


Since starting in Year 2, all the children have settled in fantastically! Well done everyone!


Thank you for joining me in the parents meeting earlier this week. 

Every Friday there will be homework given so please have a look in your childs book bags. 


Over the last two weeks we have been settling in and learning a variety of new and exciting things.


In English we have been learning about traditional tales, the book we have been focusing on is called Rapunzel by Bethan Woollvin. We have been looking at Good and bad characters in the story as well as using verbs to decribe some of the characters. 

Today we learn't about expanded noun phraces for description and specifiction. 


All the chilldren enjoyed learning new vocabulary and impletmention it into their writing. 




W.C. 27.03.23

This week we had RE day where we looked closely at Easter and Ramadan. The children looked more indepth at the Easter story and learnt about Palm Sunday. We then made palm leaves to fan Jesus as he made his way into Jerusalem.

W.C. 20.03.23

This week in history we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. We discovered that the fire started in Pudding Lane in a bakery! Following on from this, in design and technology , we made our very own Tudor houses! This was a very fun activity!

W.C. 07.03.23

We have spent the afternoon drawing all over the tables! Sssshhhh don't tell Mr Moore or Mrs Pat!! We did this to help secure our knowledge with both place value and addition and subtraction using the column method. We had lots of fun.

W.C. 20/02/23


Welcome back after half term!


This week we began a new unit of work in English, looking at non-fictions books related to sharks. The children will be working hard over the next few weeks creating a class non-fiction book which we look forward to sharing with you.


In Maths we are looking at the column method and how this can help us with addition and subtraction calculations. We have used various resources to help us to understand how to regroup 10 ones for 1 ten. 

W.C. 06.02.23


On Tuesday, we opened a discussion raising awareness of Internet Safety Day. As a class, we read the story of Hanni's Magic Window. We talked about what Hanni might have seen through the magic window that could have upset her and also who she could seek help and advice from. The children then made their own magic window filled with nice things they wanted to see.

We have started gymnastics in PE! The children enjoyed creating balance poses together, even Miss Holton joined in!


Showing off our dance moves to the school

We were very lucky on Wednesday 7th December to have an afternoon of skateboarding! The children learnt how to get on and off a skateboard safely and pulled each other along so they could balance. All the children thoroughly enjoyed it!

Guy Fawkes Role Play

W.C. 14/11/22 Finding the nearest multiple of 10

W/C 07/11/22. PE fun!

W/C 31.10.22


This week in English we have been looking at poems and the different features between them. The children have had fun reciting different types of poetry and creating their own.


In history this term we are learning about The Gunpowder Plot. This week during our lesson, we looked at the different ways Guy Fawkes tried to smuggle gunpowder into the Houses of Parliament. We tested the different ideas by trying to smuggle cushions into year 1! We failed to smuggle anything into their class as Mrs Emsley was very observant! 

Black History Week 21.10.22

Black History Week - 18.10.21

In PE, we have been learning different stretches to strengthen our muscles.

This week, we have concentrated on place value using lots of resources to help us.

We have had a very busy week.

We have been looking at the story, Dogger, imaging how the different characters might have felt and using this in our written work.

The class has been working hard especially in maths, learning different strategies to add and subtract through 10. 

In PE, we had fun outside trying diffferent activities that Mrs Alcock had set up for us. 


We have had a fantastic start to Autumn Term. We have been going to know each other and have had lots of fun! I hope the children have a relaxing weekend and are ready to work hard next week.

Exploring maths through nature.

In PE, we tried archery!

Sports Week...Practicing for Sports Day

The reading corner was robbed as part of our Big Write today!

Making marshmallow sheep and Welsh cakes for World Market Day.

Roleplay to help us plan a story - 13 June 2022

RE Day - reading a parable.

Well done to all of Year Two on completing their SATS papers this week!


The children have worked really hard all term leading up to the tests. They have all tried their very best and Mrs Southam and I are very proud of all the children. 


As part of Science, we are looking at the lifecycle of a plant.

Year Two trying their hand at tennis this term.

Enjoying the apparatus during PE

Having fun playing maths games!

Christmas Singing

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We had lots of fun singing and dancing to Feliz Navidad

Christmas Singing

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We worked very hard to learn the song 'It was on a starry night' using sign language. We hope you enjoy!

Our New Book - How to make Friends with a Ghost

Harvest Festival.

Thank you to everyone that donated food towards our Harvet Fesitval. Last week, the children learned the importance of Harverst Festival and what it means to people of diffierent religions. 


The children in Year Two found out all about food banks and the good work they do to help people less fortunate. We designed our own food bank posters.

Black History Month

Finishing our book.

When the zoo keeper visited.

Our BFG themed reading corner

We have had a fantastic return to school! The children have enjoyed settling into Year 2. This week the class were shocked to see a penguin and zookeeper wandering around the school and playground. This was to celebrate the start of our book...And Tango Makes Three.

Archive Year 2

Year 2 Curriculum Map

Corona Virus - A Book For Children

Keeping Your Child Safe Online

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Weekly Sports Challange


 We would like to set you & your families a weekly challenge whilst we are in this challanging situation, This weeks challenge - How many squats can you do in 30 seconds? Send us your videos to and we will announce the winners next week on the school websites lastest news.

W/C 20.4.20


Lets look at written method subtraction this week.


Some of you might find this video useful as a recap


This pack might also help


Don’t forget to use your mathletics password to do the work I’ve set on there.



This week can you write a recount – maybe a diary entry?– pick your favourite day – it could be a school day –maybe you really enjoyed World Book day or maybe something from Science week.  It doesn’t have to be a school day – it could be any day where something interesting has happened.

This poster might help

or this one


or this powerpoint


If you have access to a printer you could use these writing frames to help



Step 1 – write some notes about the day.

Step 2 – use your notes to write the recount – remember to use past tense

Step 3 – check your work – edit it for spelling and grammar mistakes, check it to see if it sounds exciting and flows well. Did you use past tense?



Continue to read for 20 minutes a day

Maybe try  a reading comprehension.

(parents these are differentiated – which means you can find the one that is at the right level for your child – not too easy – not too tricky)





Lets focus on past and present tense


W/C 30.3.20



Many of your children may already be completing the daily P.E with Joe Wicks every morning at 9am, but there is also, at 1pm another workout/challenge which is fantastic!

There are 3 uploads in a week , Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday which the children can access.


Please practice a quarter turn, half turn and three – quarters of a turn.

You can go clockwise or anti clockwise.

Continue working on time and time problems.

See attached worksheets


Times table – keep working on those 2, 5 and 10 time tables ( and those of you who have begun to work on the relevant division facts can do those for 2, 5 and 10) 


Read for 20 minutes a day



Keep using espresso to help you with your phonics – 20 minutes a day



Look at week two below



W/C 23.3.20



In year 2 we are continuing with our written addition.

Many of you mastered column addition where we didn’t need to go over the ten but now we need to try column addition where the ones add up to more than ten.

Adding 2-Digit Numbers Crossing the Tens Boundary Multiple Choice Quick Quiz

We are also continuing to learn the time on Analogue and digital clocks. Parents you can help this by simply asking your children what the time is at various points of the day. (not too often!) We start off by remembering the O’clock (when the minute hand is at the 12) and half past (when the minute hand is on the 6).  We move on to learning quarter past (when the minute hand is on the 3) and quarter to (when the minute hand is on the 9).  As we get better we can learn the time to the nearest 5 minutes – remembering to count around the clock in multiples of 5.


Please remind your child that the minute hand is the longer hand and the hour hand is the shorter one.

(telling the time powerpoint)



In English we are writing poetry.

Watch Into the Blue by Hilda Offen


  • Can you write a poem about floating over places?  What can you see? Can you describe it with adjectives?
  • Once the balloon pops the language of the poem changes – can you describe falling?  How would it make you feel?


This week’s grammar focus is similies – use the powerpoint to help you.  I have also attached a similies word mat and work sheet.



Look at week 1 of the document

(spellings term 2B overview)

Reading – read for 20 minutes every day




In science we are continuing our materials topic.

Use the twinkl ppt and resources



Look at the maps -geography on twinkl



Science Week


This week was our 2nd week focusing on throwing and catching. We used different size balls to make it harder or easier and then worked with our partners to bonce and catch the ball.


Year 2’s World Book Day costumes


We have been growing a class plant. We’ve ,ensured it every day and now it is nearly 1 metre tall. We think it’s really pretty and colourful.



This week we have been learning about capacity. We started with a Super Movers Routine which got us active and taught us Units of measurement. We looked at a range of different shape and size containers and estimated how many cups of water would fill each container and which would have the biggest capacity.


Shrove Tuesday

In Year 2 we enjoy a pancake as a special treat at story time. We learnt about why we have Pancake day and why people would choose something to give up for Lent.



In groups we were given a situation which may make us feel sad. We acted this out and showed how we could make the situation better. Some groups decided to write down their feelings, some chose to count to 10 and calm down and the rest of the class use their words to talk to friends or an adult about how they felt.


We continued our regrouping skills in today’s Maths lesson. We used resources to develop our number bond knowledge which will make regrouping a quick method for addition.

20.1.20. Maths investigation week



We investigated whether children get faster as they get older. We completed this as a physical experiment and recorded the results.



keeping active while we practise our timetables with Super movers.


Gymnastics this week was focusing on different rolls. All children practiced a log roll, teddy bear roll, forward roll and rolling in a ball. At the end of the session each child showed their class mates their favourite roll.

Take One Picture Week

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The children have been studying the painting The Disembarkment of the Queen of Sheba by Claude. Our curriculum this week has been based around the picture. The children re-enacted the Queen of Sheba arriving to see King Solomon in Jerusalem with Mrs Emsley’s son helping us to create music.



This week we worked on our balance skills. We used apparatus to show different balances, ways to travel and different jumps to dismount.

Year 2 practicing Silent Night

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RE day in Year 2

Today we learnt how Christians celebrate Christmas in India. The children learnt that in India people give to the poor instead of exchanging presents. A lot of families would eat a traditional curry on christmas instead of the turkey roast that we would eat. Some parts of India decorate a mango tree with an angel, star and other decorations. As a class we made and decorated our own mango tree.



We made fire pictures using tissue paper and created houses using black paper to represent how the Great Fire of London would have looked in 1666


Odd Sock Day

Highlighting anti-bullying


Our theme was a farmers field. The children used rolls in the warm up and then we used our bodies to make the shapes of hills in the farmer’s field. We finished the lesson learning how to  do a log roll, stretching our bodies.

In PE today we worked on our hand and eye co-ordination, agility and fitness at each fitness station.
In Maths we were regrouping pennies to make 10p.
In topic we have been learning about life in Kenya. We have been looking at the lifestyle of the Maasai Tribe and the children found out that the women in the tribe like to wear necklaces and the more beads they have on their necklace, the richer they are. As a class we made our own Maasai necklaces.
The children enjoyed meeting and learning about new animals in the workshop.  We have been looking at habitats in science, so it was great for the children to meet some animals, hear what kind of habitat they live in and why their habitat is suited to them.

In PE this week we worked on our relay practice and chest pass skills for athletics

The Daily Mile



Using resources to find equivalents


We sorted pictures into dead and alive. We followed a prompt sheet to work this out, using questions like does it grow, breathe and eat. 


We started the session with a dance warm up and followed this with a team game. we worked on speed and agility. We had to jump through the hoops and used rock, paper and scissors to compete against each other. 


What a fantastic day we had at the beach! The children thoroughly enjoyed digging in the sand, collecting shells and dipping their toes in the water. The competitive side came out as we competed in groups to build the best sand castle. Mrs Howath team won, using a wall to keep the waves away for aslong as possible. With the weather on our side we were able to enjoy lunch together on the beach, followed by an ice lolly to finish off a beautiful day. What a lovely way to finish off the year!

Art- Sketching local buildings using our pencil to shade and add texture to our drawings


Todays with the weather being on our side PE was able to take place outside. The focus for today was team work. The children worked in their house teams and participated in a group relay. This was followed by a foot golf course that they completed in pairs. It was great to see all the children encouraging their peers in each activity.

PE. Athletics

Year 2 Cake Sale

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to Year 2's cake sale and to everyone who supported us and purchased a cake from our stall. They children in Year 2 all had a great afternoon making cupcakes for their stall, to help raise money to reduce the cost of our summer trip. We are very proud to have raised a total of £75.


In year 2 we have really started to develop our tennis skills. This week we had a go with a partner, at using our learnt skills in a Rally.

World Market Day Art


We did a class experiment to test which materials are waterproof. We then decided as a class which materials would be suitable for certain jobs and why.

PE- Tennis Skills


In Science we have been looking at how we stop germs from spreading. We used glitter to show the children how germs can spread through touch, if we do not wash our hands.

Practising our Speed and coordination in PE

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Year 2 Assembly

Still image for this video

Great Fire of London Class Assembly

D/T Finger puppets

World Book Day

Great Fire of London Dance Workshop

Counter balance PE lesson

Gymnastic aparatus lesson.

Maths- Addition using dienes
