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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging

School Logo

Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging


Year 6AV


Welcome To Year 6

We hope you enjoy seeing our fantastic learning in Year 6!

Class Teacher: Mrs Amanda

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dhanjal


WEEK 1 (25/02/25 - 28/02/25)


After a relaxing half-term break, the Year 6 students came back excited and ready to get started with new learning. In English, we began exploring the fantasy book Skellig, and the students quickly got into the story. We discussed the different characters and plot, breaking everything down in detail. The students also acted out scenes from the book, explaining the emotions the characters were feeling in those moments. This activity helped them better understand the story.

In Maths, we finished our algebra unit, and the students did a great job on their assessments. Ten students scored a perfect 20 out of 20, which was a huge achievement. It was clear they had worked hard to master the concepts.

In P.E., the students learned some basic golf skills, which was a new and exciting experience for many of them. We set up an indoor golf course in the hall, and they had a lot of fun practicing the different skills needed for the game. It was a great way to keep active and try something different.

Overall, it’s been a positive return to school, and the students are off to a great start with their new topics.

WEEK 5 (03/02/25 - 07/02/25)


This week, the Year 6 students completed their journalistic writing, based on the book The Nowhere Emporium. They're excited, as we plan to send their published work to the author, Ross Mackenzie. In Geography, we continued studying the Americas and explored the Wonders of the World, which the students found as their favourite Geography lesson so far!

WEEK 4(27/01/25-31/01/25)


This week, we wrapped up our Maths unit on ratios, and most of the students performed exceptionally well, demonstrating their attentiveness throughout the lessons. The students are thoroughly enjoying their swimming lessons and eagerly look forward to Fridays for this activity. We've also begun exploring journalistic writing, which has sparked a lot of excitement among the students, as their final pieces will be sent to Ross Mackenzie, the author of The Nowhere Emporium, based on which they will be writing their journalistic piece.




This week, Year 6 had their Big Write, where they proudly selected and shared their best writing pieces from their personal writing journals. These journals allow students to freely express their thoughts and creativity, and we were truly impressed by the outstanding work produced. Special recognition goes to Yuri, Chidera, Amber, and Layla, whose writing showcased deep passion and heartfelt expression.


As SATs are fast approaching, we have also begun weekly practice tests in both Maths and English to ensure students are well-prepared and confident. Alongside their academic efforts, students are thoroughly enjoying their Friday swimming lessons and have been recognized as the best class by their music instructors!


Overall, it’s been a productive and joyful week for our Year 6 students. We’re proud of their dedication and achievements!



This week, students settled back into their school routine smoothly and adjusted well. They particularly enjoyed writing stories in English, where they incorporated dialogue and descriptive language to enhance their narratives. It was exciting to see their creativity and use of language come to life.

In Maths, we began working on ratios, a topic that students are finding both easy and interesting. Their understanding of the concept is growing quickly, and they are enjoying the challenge.

In Art, students explored Aboriginal art with a focus on dot paintings inspired by the works of Clifford Possum. They learned about the significance of this artistic style and expressed their interpretations through their own dot paintings.

It has been a productive and engaging week!




7/1/25 - 10/1/25

After returning from the Christmas holidays, the students were excited to reconnect with their classmates and everyone else at school. We resumed our Maths lessons, completing the unit we began before the break, and the students gave their best effort in the assessment.
In English, the class is reading and adapting their own stories based on the works of two authors, Malorie Blackman’s Pig Heart Boy and Michael Morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom. As they explored the emotional conflicts in the stories, students focused on developing their own narratives with similar conflicts.

This week also marked the start of our swimming lessons, which the students thoroughly enjoyed. They were eager to get into the pool and learn some basic swimming skills.



WEEK 14 (9/12/24 - 13/12/24)

With Christmas just around the corner and plenty of fun activities planned for next week, this week focused on maintaining structure with a strong emphasis on academics. In Maths, we began a new unit on Converting Units. Through real-life examples, students explored different units of length, mass, and capacity, deepening their understanding of these concepts.


We also wrapped up our PSHE Unit on Celebrating Differences and completed our R.E. study of Jesus as the Messiah. Spanish and Music classes are in full swing as they near completion. In Spanish, students expanded their vocabulary, particularly with school-related words, which they used to write an email to a friend describing their school in Spanish. In Music, we continued learning to play the glockenspiel, working on recreating a lively jazz tune.

WEEK 12 (25/11/24-29/11/24)


As December approaches and the festive season draws near, so too does the end of term, bringing with it the assessments. This week concluded with a Reading assessment, helping to prepare students for their SATs next year. They worked hard to complete the text within the set time and gave their best effort in the assessment.

In Maths, we continued exploring fractions, progressing to multiplication and division, which many students found both enjoyable and straightforward. In English, they completed their reports on a creature inspired by Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide, a task they thoroughly enjoyed.

Embracing the Christmas spirit, students began designing their Christmas cards in DT. In the coming weeks, these will be lit up with LEDs, an activity they are eagerly looking forward to.



WEEK 11 (18/11/24 - 22/11/24)

After an exciting and engaging Maths Week, this week shifted focus to a more in-depth study of fractions in Mathematics. Students worked diligently throughout the week, culminating in a comprehensive test to assess their understanding and mastery of the topic. They gave their best efforts to answer the questions. In the week’s Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) battle, Year 6 emerged victorious, defeating Year 3, and proudly brought the cup to their classroom!


In English, students explored a selection of fascinating reports from the renowned Arthur Spiderwick series. This inspired them to create their own imaginative creatures, complete with unique names and distinctive features. It provided an enjoyable opportunity for students to compare their fantastical creations to real-life animals, sparking creativity and curiosity.



WEEK 10 (11/11/24 - 15/11/24)

WEEK 10 (11/11 - 15/11)

As this week was Maths Week, our students dived into challenging puzzles and tricks, using videos and charts to sharpen their logical thinking and reasoning skills. The activities showcased how Maths is present in everyday life. A special highlight was inviting parents into the classroom to work alongside their children on engaging Maths activities, making the experience both fun and collaborative. A big thank you to all the parents who joined us and made the event even more memorable!

In Science, we’ve begun a new unit on the classification of animals. Students enjoyed solving riddles to identify different species based on their characteristics, sparking curiosity about the animal kingdom.

In English, we wrapped up our two-week whole school Explore and Engage, that focused on the book Speak Up. The week concluded with students writing persuasive letters to the council member, urging them to stop the closure of the local library. Their passion and creativity were evident, making this a meaningful activity for all. 

WEEK 9 (5/11/24 - 8/11/24)

After the half-term break, students returned with great enthusiasm, eager to dive into new topics and learning experiences. In Maths, we began our unit on Fractions following the completion of the Arithmetic assessment, in which students gave their best effort.

In English, the whole school has been reading Speak Up, with each class exploring the story through creative writing. Year 6 students engaged particularly well by writing diary entries from the perspective of Rocket, the main character, bringing the story to life in their own words.

In History, we took time to reflect on Remembrance Day, learning about its significance and the importance of honoring those who have served. This topic allowed students to deepen their understanding of historical events and develop their sense of respect and gratitude.

WEEK 8 (21/10/24 - 25/10/24)

The last week before half term was vibrant and full of memorable experiences as we celebrated Black History Month. Students took part in a range of interactive activities designed to immerse them in both culture and fun. One highlight was “Play it on Pan,” where students explored creating different pitches on steel pans, developing a sense of rhythm and melody while learning about this unique musical tradition. The fitness bootcamp was another popular choice, encouraging students to stay active and work together in a series of exercises and games that promoted both physical health and teamwork. These activities allowed students to bond and enjoy themselves in a dynamic and culturally enriching environment.

Year 6 had a special treat when they played football with Preston, who shared valuable tips and tricks to enhance their gameplay. Students learned new techniques and had fun trying out moves that could give them an edge on the field. Preston's encouragement and expertise inspired them to think strategically and practice new skills they can build on in future games.

In English, our lessons took on a spooky twist as we linked Halloween with free verse poetry. Students eagerly brainstormed eerie themes and crafted original spooky poems, using descriptive language and creativity to evoke Halloween vibes. Their poems captured everything from ghostly scenes to mysterious creatures, showcasing their imagination and skills in free verse. We compiled these individual poems into a class book of spooky poems, creating a collaborative piece that reflects the Halloween spirit and each student's unique voice.


WEEK 7 (14/10/24 - 18/10/24) 

With the onset of Black History Month celebrations, students cooked Chin Chins in the classroom and created artwork featuring portraits of famous Black individuals, Adinkra symbols, and more. Children and parents enjoyed the event, where they also had the opportunity to taste food prepared by different Year groups.

Maths lessons now focus on short and long divisions. Despite being one of the trickiest aspects of arithmetic, students are beginning to understand the basics, which is commendable.

In English, students were introduced to free verse poetry and worked with partners to create their own poems using a selection of pictures and word banks as inspiration.

WEEK 6 (7/10/24 - 11/10/24)

  This week we took time to focus on Mental health. The children discussed and wrote about gratitude and what it means to them. 

  In Maths we have been looking at solving problems with multiplication. The children have used a variety of methods.

  PE was a step class. The class worked in groups to perform a synchronised piece.

  Art was spent learning about still life composition. This lesson was enjoyed by all.


WEEK 5 (30/09/24-04/10/24)


This week's RE lesson was quite interesting, where we had some active whole-class discussions about how God wants Christians to live. Reading through the important parts about the Sermon on the Mount, students gave their views about the different teachings, and how some are easy to follow and some are practically challenging in our day-to-day lives. This lesson helped each child to understand how being good to others would eventually benefit them.


History and English lessons were running in parallel this week as both focused on World War 2 and its effects on people. In History, students learned about the role women played during WW2 by taking up roles that were previously only assigned to men. In English, students looked at several recounts from people during WW2, which showcased the hardships they faced.

WEEK 4 (24/09-27/09)


This week was particularly special for Year 6 as they participated in a two-day leadership training aimed at selecting our new Sports Leaders. The sessions were both engaging and educational, offering every student the opportunity to grasp the essence of effective leadership. As part of the training, they led Year 2 students in a variety of sports activities, giving them hands-on experience in guiding a group. Congratulations to our new Sports Leaders: Armin, Sebastian, Vanessa, Severina, Halima, Ayomide, Gledis, Baran, Poppy and Layla. 


In History, we continued learning about World War 2, focusing on how food was rationed during the war. The children compared their meals today to what they would have eaten during the war, helping them gain a deeper understanding about the challenges people faced at that time.


WEEK 3 (16/09-20/09)

  This week the children have been busy with their first 'Big write' of the year. Their creative minds got to work and they have enjoyed sharing their ideas. All they were given was a simple opening of, a gold bangle was found in the attic of a house. From this, they got  writing. We had work set out as diary entries, stories, letters, poems all about the gold bangle. Who did it belong to? How old was it? How did it get in the attic?

Once the class completed their piece of work, they then paired up with a partner and peer edited each others.

Looking forward to the next 'Big write'.

  In Maths the children have completed the first unit, place value. They also ended the week with an assesment on what they have been learning, to see how well they have understood the subject. All the children did very well in this and it came as no surprise because this has been evident throughout the weeks.




It was wonderful to meet some parents on Monday to discuss important information for this academic year.

This week, we began our new Science unit on Light, which included some exciting classroom experiments.

In Art, we created beautiful pieces inspired by William Morris, and a few examples of the students' work are shown below. 

 MIA  Mia



 Brooke Brooke

Academic Year 2023 - 2024


Day two at Grafham Water. We have had so much fun today, from going out on the lake sailing to Archery and climbing. The best part of all is when Mr Moore came to visit us.

Good morning from Grafham Water : We’ve had breakfast and are ready to get started on a full day of activities today!

Grafham Water Day 1 : we’re off to a great start!


Year 6 are really excited about their residential trip to Grafham Water next week! 

We will endeavour to upload pictures up here for the days that we're away and can't wait to come back and tell you all about it!


Rehearsals for our end of term production of 'Scheherezade' are going well and I've been really impressed with the dedication Year 6 have shown already with learning their lines. 



Year 6 have started worked on their 'Fiver Challenge' projects this week. Each child has £5 to spend, with the aim of generating as much money as possible to spend at their end of term celebration. So far they've come up with some great ideas and can't wait to get cracking on their business plans!



Happy half term Year 6! I hope you have a lovely, restful week off. 


We did it Year 6 : well done on getting through SATS week! You've worked so hard and we're all very proud of you. 


Welcome back Year 6, for our final term together before you head off to pastures new! We're now only a few weeks away from SATS, but everyone has made a really positive start to the term and has worked hard looking at sample questions and working on them collaboratively with a partner. 


Thank you for all your hard work this term Year 6! I hope you have a restful Easter break and we'll see you all next term. Take care, Ms. Steel and Mrs. Dhanjal. 

The Year 5 and 6 choir had a great time at 'Voice in a Million' last week! Here are some pictures and videos of their time at Wembley Arena!

19.3.24 We had a great time at NHM Tring today learning all about adaptation, classification and inheritance in animals.

14.3.24 Thank you so much to the parents that joined us this morning for our Maths session! It was lovely to see so many of you and the children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you. We hope to see you in class again soon!

7.3.24 : Year 6 made such an effort with their World Book Day costumes!

16.2.24 Thanks for all your hard work this half term Year 6, I hope you have a happy and restful half term break. 

6.2.24 : As part of Internet Safety Day, Year 6 discussed the pros and cons of the internet; attended a live lesson about AI and had a workshop from CHEXS about being kind online.

26.1.24 : Well done Year 6 - we finally won the Attendance Cup!

19.01.24 : Year 6 had a great afternoon with New Zealand international basketball player Brayden Inger!


Thank you Year 6, for working so hard during this first term! You've all made fantastic progress and we hope you enjoy a well earned rest over the Christmas break. 

See you in 2024!

From Ms. Steel and Mrs. Dhanjal

30.11.23 : Today we launched our indoor 'Wellbeing Space', a project thought up by the Wellbeing Council. Any children who need some time out from the playground can come into Year 6 to colour, draw and relax. It was lovely to see so many year groups mixing together. 

17.11.23 Year 6 have had a brilliant time exploring different practical Maths activities this week as part of Four Swannes' first ever 'Maths Week'. 

"We spread out toilet rolls and counted how many sheets in each brand to find out which one was the est value for money and it was really fun!"

"I enjoyed working with others this week to work out the answer"

"The Maths hats were very fun to make"


4.11.23 In English this week, we've been looking at 'Wisp : A Story of Hope', which is a picture book about a boy living in a refugee camp. The class were tasked with writing setting descriptions based on the characters' memories. Here's an example of their work : 


The ocean swayed and splashed around like a baby trying to swim. The moonlight shimmered as it reflected on the water. Swiftly, groups of fish gathered, growling with hunger. As the waves jostled the boat, water snuck in like when you tiptoe out of your parents' house at night...

13.10.23 : In Science this half term, we've been learning about the circulatory system and this week, Year 6 were tasked with designing an investigation around exercise. They explored the effect that different exercises have on pulse rate and presented the information as a graph.

6.10.23 This week, the children wrote some excellent recounts about 'The Blitz'. We are studying World War 2 in History and this linked in quite nicely. Next week, we will be editing these pieces and creating our final write, which will be put on display in the classroom. 

28.9.23 Year 6 were treated to a visit from some familiar faces today as some of the children who have just started secondary school came back for a visit. They explained what sort of things they can expect as they move onto the next phase of their education and gave them a brief insight into what secondary life is like. It was great to see them!

18.9.23 - Year 6 and Year 3 had their first peer reading session of the year! Year 6 chose the books this week to share with their younger companions. Lots of good book related discussion was had!

15.9.23 : In computing this week, we discussed the importance of being SMART when going online. This is especially important for children in Year 6 as they make the transition into secondary school, where they will be online more than ever.


Year 6 have made a fantastic start to the new school year! They've worked hard and come back to school with a really positive attitude towards their learning. I'm delighted to be teaching them and look forwards to the year ahead!

Thanks Year 6, I hope you all have a lovely, restful weekend

Ms. Steel 

Academic Year 2022 - 23

Monday 3rd of July - Year 6 Enterprise Day

Wednesday 15th June 2023, some year 6 pupils listening to year 3 pupils read.

Week beginning 12th June 2023


Year 6 have been learning about financial maths and enterprise. They have been learning about the different types of cards, where you can save money and the meanings of profit, gain, loss, debit and credit. They were split into groups where they had to come up with a business idea, do a market survey, create a business plan with costings and the next stage will be to pitch their business plans to the head and business manager. If their pitch goes well, they will be given money to run their business. 

Enterprise planning session

Thursday 8th of June was Empathy Day but at Four Swannes, celebrated it onFriday 9th of June.


Year 6 designed Empathy Superpower Glasses and then took part in an empathy exchange activity. In the exchange activity, they had to get to know someone in their class better by asking questions designed to spark rich, empathy-filled conversations.

Empathy Exchange Conversations

Residential 3 - Den building and camouflage/cameo

Residential 2 - Forest first aid

We have had a fantastic time so far at Blenheim Woods!

After we arrived we played some camp games and then carried out some bushcraft where we learnt how to make a fire. Once we made our fires, we had to cook our lunch (yummy burgers)


We then got settled into our tents and have just started a camouflage/concealment workshop and we will then be building dens.

Friday 4th May 2023


We had lots of fun activities to celebrate the coronation.

Coronation Party @ Four Swannes

Week beginning 24th April 2023


This week, year 6 have been doing lots of revison in prepartion for their upcoming SATs.

The children enjoyed their first game of rounders this week.

Week beginning 27th March 2023

Wednesday 29th March was Year six parent's SATs workshop. A lot of parents turned up and we had a lovely session where we went through what SATs is about and how they can support their children at home.

Week beginning 20th March 2023


This week, has been assessment week and year six have been doing past SATs papers. They have worked really hard and are showing improvements in the tests. 

Week commencing 13/03/23. Science week. Children have enjoyed a variety of science lessons including looking at life cycles,creating something of their own, watched a live online session on Sheep and its relationship to seaweed! (I know!) The children have mimicked a T cell and blasted some B cells in our Immunotherapy game. Netball in PE was its usual high active lesson. The class thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

WEEK 06/03/23. This week has been as busy as the changing weather conditions. The class have learning about how to use pronouns within their writing. They have been planning and inventing a character that could easily be found amongst the pages of the Spiderwick Field guide. Maths, we have been understanding angles and how to calculate them. The class have also had some SATS practice with an arithmetic paper. This week some of the class went to represent the school in an athletics competetion, which you can read more about below. Geography, human and physical features of South America. The class has also started looking at The Amazon rainforest which they found really interesting. A huge well done to Year 6, the third week running top of the attendance table. Lets do it again! Look forward to seeing you all next week during parent consultations.

Year 5/6 Indoor Athletics


Year 5 and 6 had a great time at the Indoor Athletics competition. We were competing against 7 other schools across two heats in a range of track and field events. All of the pupil's gave 100% and did a brilliant job in representing the school. Overall we came 3rd in the competition - well done Four Swannes!

Week beginning: 27/02/23.


The class have continued with their wonderful book. This week the children have looked at and written all about Tree Folk, Giant Sea Serpent and the Fresh Water Nixies.

World Book Day was celebrated on Thursday and enjoyed by everyone. Y6 made a huge effort during the day and dressed up for the occasion. 

We read poetry, planned and wrote food related poems. 

Maths has been a refresher on shapes and calculating area and their perimeter. We have also drawn bar graphs and got our heads down and practiced SATS papers. 

Science and our topic continues with Microrganisms. The class discussed and wrote up their results of an experiment they had completed.

PSHE, the importance of Water saving and what we can do at home to prevent water wastage.

PE and athletics trials have continued. Well done and great effort and energy from the class who have been pushing themselves.




The class have had a great week back. Tuesday afternoon the children enjoyed some fresh pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. Delicious...

This week we have continued to look at characters from our book the Spiderwick field guide to the fantastical world around you.

Maths has been challenging this week. We have been looking at long division.

Well done to the class. Our first time this year winning the attendance cup. Keep it up Y6, we can win it again!



Week beginning: 06/02/23.

Busy week for the class, SATS practice papers in Maths and English. 

In PE the class have been practicing for a few weeks, a choreographed piece to music. Y6 got to perform and shine to the whole school in assembly and it was clear to see that  everyone enjoyed it. Well done Y6.


Half term week ahead now and the children can research the topics that are coming up on their return.

Science, living things and thier habitats. We will be delving into the world of Microorganisms.

Spanish, language to help describe weekend activities.

Geography, continue with South America. Human and physical geography. Compare and contrast countries in SA.

D&T, looking at strength and functionality of card and other materials. Design a marble run bridge.

(btw: thank you for all the kitchen and toilet rolls the children have been bringing in).

Read for at least 15 mins a day, earn your stickers for awards.

Keep practicing spellings and times tables.

Happy half term all.





RE Day- Children used all the learning of the different religions to make posters.

Week commencing 30/01/23

This week the class have been doing Pilates and practicing on their balance and core strength.

In English this week the year have been looking at the wonderful book Arthur Spiderwick's field guide to the fantastical world around you. They have been writing descriptive poems about River Trolls and using their creative ideas to describe life as a 'Boggart'. Some brilliant and imaginative suggestions shared in class.

Maths has introduced the class this week to Algebra. 

Science topic is Living things and their Habitats.

RE this week saw the class research Christianity, Humanism and Buddism. Thank you to Pastor Stuart for spending time with the class to talk about being a religious leader. Also thank you for taking time to answer the abundance of questions the year had for him.



Week beginning 23rd January 2023

The class in design and technology, were trying to create free standing structures out of empty rolls.

Week beginning 21/11/2022.

Week beginning 21/11/2022.

We have enjoyed another week of learning.

Maths, we looked at how to measure the area of a compound. Lots of calculating and measuring.

We have been to the cinema to watch a film related to our History topic of World War Two. 'The Railway Children' was brilliant and got the children talking about what they learnt in our Evacuation lesson a few weeks earlier.

Science was our topic of light and the Spectacular Spectrum. We learnt about Isaac Newton and his discovery. We made a spectrum wheel and experimented what happens when the colours all spin and merge together. Great picture y6.






Week beginning: 14th November 2022.

 In Maths we have been looking at how to multiply multi digit numbers up to 4 digits by a 2-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication.

English, we have looked at different fiction genres. 

Science continued topic of Light. Refraction, how light bends when it passes from one medium to another, the children enjoyed testing this and understanding how it works.

Children in Need on Friday had the class enjoy a few super competitve Dodgeball games. So much fun and high energy.

School assembly also had our first set of awards for various progressions and the certificates for home reading. These were handed out by Mr Moore and followed by a wonderful applause from other classes. A huge well done and congratulations to the children who received this. Long may it continue.

Week beginning 7th November 2022

In English the children have been looking at different genres of writing.

Maths topic this week has been making connections between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Science, light and reflection. How does light reflect. The class tested this with mirrors and torches. They also made periscopes to test how light reflects.

Art this week was continuation of our topic still life. The class enjoyed painting fruits and vegetables.

Rememberance day on the 11th saw the school family come together to pay our respects. The choir had their first performance which some of our class, are members of.


Week beginning 31st October 2022.

Good to be back and ready to learn after the half term break.

English, we looked at how to use a wider range of synonyms precisely and effectively. We have been using expressive and figurative language to create a vivid image.

Maths, converting fractions into decimals has been the focus this week.

New topic for Science, Light. This week we looked at how light sources work.

History, World War two. The role of women. 

PSHE was a discussion on feeling pressure and how to deal with it.

Music, the children created atmospheric sound effects to a narrated walk in the woods.

PE, the children performed their own versions of the Haka. They also had a lesson in Lacrosse and practiced some new skills.





Week beginning 17th October 2022.

Well, what a week we have had. Black history week and lots of food,food,food. We have been looking at our magnificent book Africa, Amazing Africa. Researching John Blanke, one of the first Black musicians on record. We have also looked at Nigeria in more detail and created beautiful informative brochures.

Finally, a few thank yous. The first goes out to Nkosinathi's parents for providing the delicious feast our class enjoyed. The children all went in for seconds and thirds too.

Thank you to Eliza's mum for sharing all about Bangladesh and kindly bringing us tasty food in to try. 

The children have also loved the Jollof rice so much (thanks Mrs O:) they have the recipe and method so you too can appreciate it.

week beginning 10th October 2022


This week we enjoyed RE day and had a sharing assembly with the school. In PSHE we discussed the best and polite way to disagree in a conversation. The children did some role playing to compare a positive and negative manner.

Week beginning 3rd October 2022

This week in maths, we have been looking at prime numbers, square numbers, multiples and factors. They have also been looking at how certain emotions can produce different outcomes in PSHE. 


Week beginning 26th September 2022


In science, we have been learning about the impact of exercise on the body. The children have learnt what a pulse rate is and how to take a pulse rate before and after exercise.

Doing different exercises and then measuring their pulse rates.

Week beginning: 19/09/22

 Well done for sharing what you have been learning about in class so far. Lovely to see so many parents join us. Year 6 have certainly set a high standard for the celebration assembly.

Week beginning 12.09.22

Year 6 doing hockey during PE.

A display of our completed book covers and blurb.

Week Beginning 5th September 2022


Year 6 have settled well into the new term!


This week, they have been designing their book covers (for when they become authors) and writing the blurb.


Archive Year 6 2021

Year 6 Environmental Project


Year 6 have been working with Alex, from the charity Global Action Plan, as part of their Transform our World school's programme. This is an opportunity for the class to come up with an action plan and to implement a project to tackle an area of environmental concern. After many fantastic ideas, they all decided that they would like to work on the school garden to transform it into an inviting space for both wildlife and the school community. So far, we have started to clear weeds from the flower beds and cut back the overgrown bushes. Everyone has got stuck in and are enjoying the process!

Photos will be posted and updated to show how they are getting on. 

School Garden (Before)

School Garden (During)

School Garden (Continued)

Sports Day


World Music Day

For World Music Day, year 6 had a challenge to learn the cup song in an hour and share what they had learnt with the rest of the school. They had lots of fun and did very well given the limited time.  

Cup Song.MOV

Still image for this video

Cup Song 2.MOV

Still image for this video

Golf Lesson

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their Golf lesson today with Charlie, a professional golfer. Everyone tried really hard and made amazing progress in such a short time. Well Done!!

Dance Workshop

Year 6 had the opportunity to have a dance session with Gemma, a professional dancer, who has worked with the likes of Aston Merrygold and Kimberly Wyatt (to name a few). Everyone had fun and learnt moves from different styles of dance.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee



RE Day

Year 6 were organised into groups to discuss their ideas and views on some of the big questions. They worked really hard in their groups to create a poster showing their different beliefs.

RE Day Posters


International Dance Day


We learnt about different dance styles from around the world and were lucky enough to be taught some Irish Dancing by Mrs Cunningham. 





Irish Dancing Lesson

Still image for this video


The Daily Mile 10 Year Anniversary

Daily Mile.MOV

Still image for this video

Daily Mile (2).MOV

Still image for this video


Earth Day

The theme of this year's Earth Day was 'Invest in our Planet'. As a class, Year 6 discussed their ideas and opinions on how we can help the planet. Children were asked if they would rather get rid of all air pollution or all water polution. Some responses were "I would rather get rid of all air pollution because we need air to breathe since it's really important. We need air to survive so we can see our futures".

"I would rather get rid of all water pollution because all the fish and sea creatures are dying due to people littering and it would also make the water cleaner".

After the discussion, children created their own persuasive posters with ideas on how we can help the planet.

RE Day 24.03.22


For RE day this term, year 6 learnt about the Easter Story from the Bible. In the afternoon, we compared similarities and differences between Christianity, Buddhism and Humanism, then created a poster.


Science Week 2022

Science week is a celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. The theme this year is 'Growth'. We started off with a whole school 'Create a Plant' challenge, which gave the children an opportunity to develop their paper engineering skills. 

They could use just 4 sheets of A4 paper and scissors for the challenge. Here are some of their creations:


Well done to Nafisa who was chosen as the winner for UKS2!


Science Week 2022 Whole School Enquiry

Gummy Bear Experiment


In year 6, we were investigating the growth of gummy bears in different solutions. We observed what happened after 24 hours and discovered that the gummy bear in the coca cola solution grew the most. The children were surprised to discover that gummy bear in the salt water solution didn't grow at all.

Skateboarding At Four Swannes

The children had the opportunity of being taught how to skateboard today and they all loved it!


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Black History Month at Four Swannes has been very special this year. We have had the privilege of meeting lots of famous black people who are doing amazing things in their professions.


We were visited by Asher Phillip (Team GB Olympic Medalist),  Sasha and Kadeen Corbin (Netballers), Scarlet Douglas (Actress/TV Presenter) and Femi Koleoso (Drummer for the Gorillaz). They also had the opportunity to be taught how to play the Steel Pan, make carnival masks and play basketball.


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Our very own Evandro (Y6) wowed his classmates with his drumming!

The week of the 21st of June was sports week and year six had a lot of fun doing different sporting activities.

Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and everyone at Four Swannes enjoyed doing a wide selection of activities to raise money.

Year six dressed up and enjoyed doing a variety of activities to celebrate the day.

Below are some pictures from the day including when the children were making a fridge cake.

Making fridge cake to raise money for Red Nose Day.

Year 6 have enjoyed learning about Black History Month in the UK and have researched famous black people who have made an impact in the UK. 


They have designed some anti racism posters.

Show Racism The Red Card!

We had the privilege of having a famous drummer ( Femi Koleoso) visit our school and perform for us. The children loved listening to him perfrom and asking questions about his experiences as a black performer.

Drum Performance

Femi Keleoso Performing

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Please refer to the Home Learning section of the school website for information on home learning support. Follow the links to the education resources to support your child. Please try to ensure that your child fully engages with these learning opportunities. Remember any lessons should be supported with at least 20 minutes of reading every day.

Sporting Challenge


Weekly Sports Challange


 We would like to set you & your families a weekly activity whilst we are in this challenging situation. This weeks activity - How many squats can you do in 30 seconds? Send your videos to and we will announce the winners next week on the school websites lastest news. 

Year 6 Curriculum Map 2019 - 2020

Welcome To Year 6

We hope you enjoy seeing our fantastic learning in year 6!

Class Teacher: Mr A Moore

Teaching Assistant: Mrs T Walker

Corona Virus - A Book For Children

Keeping Your Child Safe Online

Information to support the transition to Home Learning

W/C 30.03.20

Year 6 Home Learning Tasks



Complete one activity from each of the SATs question books that were given to the Year 6 children. One from the grammar question book, one from the reading comprehension question book and one ten-minute SATs buster. Please use the revision book to support the understanding of questions that are incorrect. This is where the learning takes place.

Writing – One day, you find that a door appears at the corner of your room. It is a small, oak door with cast iron fittings. It is obviously old due to the cracks and stressing of the wood. Where does it lead to? Write a story about the door and where it takes you. Be as adventurous as you can. Use your skills of description through the use of complex sentences. Remember that, in all of your writing, your job is to engage the reader.

Spelling – select 10 spellings from the year six spelling list and practise them. Get another person in your household to test you at the end of the week.



Complete one activity from each of your maths SATs questions books each day. As with the English, any answer that are incorrect are the question that you to revise/learn. Your maths revision books will support this or use the wealth of opportunities on the internet to support. Use your Mathletics logins and access the E-Books to support. You Tube now have a vast number of teaching videos to support.

Measure Use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to three decimal places.

Solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation up to three decimal places where appropriate.

Convert between miles and kilometres

You will find the lesson plan and support resource listed. Use the CGP books and online resources to support you.


Mathletics – Please remember that you have 36 set tasks in Mathletics. All tasks are areas that we have worked on so they will strengthen your knowledge and understanding. To date, no one has completed a single task. Please make sure that you access these.


Foundation Subjects


Spanish – Lesson 2 of classroom objects. There are set tasks with worksheets and sorting activities. Attached are the answers to support your understanding. Please use your logins to access the games area on Language Angels to develop you language skills. Remember, it is a STATUTORY REQUIREMENT to study a foreign language for your GCSE’s (and Spanish is best!).

IT – Your task is to use your developing skills of excel and plan a party with an actual budget sheet. You have all of the necessary supporting documents and power point to guide you through this.

History – Using secondary resources (online, books etc), research a previous world pandemic (Spanish flu, plague etc). What effects did they have globally? How did science and medicines of the time support the public? What are the differences between now and then? Think of aspects such as communication, medications, media. Use what is happening currently to establish what happened historically in similar situations. What are the similarities and differences?

W/C 23.03.20

Year 6 Home Learning Tasks



Complete one activity from each of the SATs question books that were given to the Year 6 children. One from the grammar question book, one from the reading comprehension question book and one ten-minute SATs buster. Please use the revision book to support the understanding of questions that are incorrect. This is where the learning takes place.

Writing – If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Explain why you have chosen that power, what would you do with it and how would it change your life.

Spelling – select 10 spellings from the year six spelling list and practise them. Get another person in your household to test you at the end of the week.



Complete one activity from each of your maths SATs questions books each day. As with the English, any answer that are incorrect are the question that you to revise/learn. Your maths revision books will support this or use the wealth of opportunities on the internet to support. Use your Mathletics logins and access the E-Books to support. You Tube now have a vast number of teaching videos to support.

Volume – You will find the plan for the volume lessons attached to this message. Follow this and complete the check points where required. There are links to a number of maths sites to support your understanding which are listed on the Latest News area of the school website.


Foundation Subjects


Spanish - Complete the work on classroom objects. Attached is the lesson plan and supporting worksheets and vocab lists to help you.

IT – If you are able to access Excel, attached is the next lesson in the sequence that we have been working on in class.

Science – Carry out the activity on living organisms. Research each of the organisms and classify them. You will need a printer to complete organisms pyramid.



Today has been a very special day in Year 6 as we have been learning about the tragic story of Anne Frank. Thanks to Mrs Emsley and Mrs Walker, the children have been able to learn about the conditions in which Anne Frank had to hide from the Germans, the food which they had to eat during the time (cabbage stew was actually cooked in class!), how the diary entries were written (with examples written by the Year 6 children) and many other pratical elements that really gave the children a good understanding of how it must have been for Anne Frank. A great example of really valuable learning opportunities that make a positve difference to our children's understanding of historical factors. A great day and well done to all invloved!


For more detail about Anne Frank, please read on:


About Anne


Born Annelies Marie Frank on 12 June 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany, Anne Frank was one of over a million Jewish children who died in the Holocaust.


Before the Secret Annex


Anne grew up in Frankfurt with her sister Margot and parents Otto and Edith. When Hitler seized power in Germany in 1933, the family emigrated to Amsterdam to escape the growing persecution of Jews. Then Germany invaded Holland in May 1940.


During the Secret Annex


Anne was given a diary on her 13th birthday which became her best friend and confidante. When Margot received a notice to go to a forced-labour camp on 5 July 1942, it was decided the family would go in to hiding in the specially prepared Secret Annex - a week earlier than planned.

Anne recorded all her thoughts and feelings in her diary - from arguments with her mother, to falling in love with Peter van Daan and the turmoil this caused. However much Anne hated being hidden away from the outside world, she always had the hope that they would one day be free.


For topic we’ve been learning about WW2. We had some special visitors who shared their WW2 experiences. It was really interesting and we learnt a lot. 

A very importat part of the Year 6 curriculum is the healthy and active lifestyle that we try to ensure the children learn about and put into practise. Part of this process is delivered through our games sessions which also introduce a number of general and fine mototr skills. Here, you can see the class learning about netball and the skill set required to be successful in this invasion game.
Year 6 have had a positive start to the year across a range of subject areas. Here the class are working with manipulatives in maths to help with their understanding of place value. As we discussed in class, it is extremely important that all of our children have a very good understanding of number to support them in the learning of new concepts in year 6.

Maths Manipulatives



As the summer term rolls on, cricket has become a focus for Four Swannes. A great time for us to become involved as it links directly with the Cricket World Cup which the UK are currently hosting. Year 6 joined Year 5 in their first session where they practised lots of cricket related skills. We may even have the next Joe Root taking their first steps towards stardom!!!

Visual Literacy


In one of our lastest units of work in English, Year 6 have been learning how to develop their understanding of visual literacy. Their task is to look from the perspective of the artist or a character from within the artwork. Here, you can see the class taking advantage of our 'Take One Book Week' focus and roleplaying how Hermin would feel in a ceratin situation from 'Hermin - The Detective Mouse'.

Visual Literacy - Roleplay

Year 6 have been investigating various forces during their Science lessons. Here you can see the children designing and making parachute style resources to see and measure the effect of air resistance when considering the central pull of gravity.

Science and Forces

Four Swannes were lucky enough to have a visit from a professional dance instructor and as you can see, Year 6 ensured that they all made the most of the occasion! There were some vey suspect moves and there was definitely some evidence of 'dad dancing' taking place. All of the class took part in the session and had a very good time learning some rather detailed and difficult moves. Well done to you all and a big thank you to Miss Parcell for arranging the visit.
Year 6 were given the opportunity to share with parents and the rest of the school all of the hard work that they have been doing over the last term. We were treated to a selection of books that were being read and which were used for World Book day with reasons why the children selected their charatcers; examples of work that they have been doing in topic lessons with Mrs Emsley; and some of the content that they have been covering in their maths lessons (Ratio and Proportion). All of the narration and roles that were played were put together by the children themselves so a big well done to them all. Thank you to all of the parents that came to see the class perform and we hope that you enjoyed the show.

KS2 SATs Details for Parents


In the summer term of 2016, children in Year 2 and Year 6 were the first to take the new SATs papers. The new-style SATs for English and maths reflect the new national curriculum, and are more rigorous than previous years' tests. There is also a completely new SATs marking scheme and grading system which has replaced national curriculum levels.

At the end of Year 6, children sit tests in:

  • Reading
  • Maths
  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar

These tests are both set and marked externally, and the results are used to measure the school’s performance (for example, through reporting to Ofsted and published league tables). Your child’s marks will be used in conjunction with teacher assessment to give a broader picture of their attainment.


Key Stage 2 Reading

The reading test is a single paper with questions based on three passages of text. Your child will have one hour, including reading time, to complete the test.
There will be a selection of question types, including:

  • Ranking/ordering, e.g. ‘Number the events below to show the order in which they happen in the story’
  • Labelling, e.g. ‘Label the text to show the title of the story’
  • Find and copy, e.g. ‘Find and copy one word that suggests what the weather is like in the story’
  • Short constructed response, e.g. ‘What does the bear eat?’
  • Open-ended response, e.g. ‘Look at the sentence that begins Once upon a time. How does the writer increase the tension throughout this paragraph? Explain fully, referring to the text in your answer.’

In 2018 the Department for Education announced that the reading content of the KS2 SATs will be more closely linked to the curriculum in future to ensure children are drawing on their knowledge when answering reading comprehension questions.


Key Stage 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling test

The grammar, punctuation and spelling test consists of two parts: a grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes, and an aural spelling test of 20 words, lasting around 15 minutes.

The grammar and punctuation test will include two sub-types of questions:

  • Selected response, e.g. ‘Identify the adjectives in the sentence below’
  • Constructed response, e.g. ‘Correct/complete/rewrite the sentence below,’ or, ‘The sentence below has an apostrophe missing. Explain why it needs an apostrophe.’

Key Stage 2 maths

Children sit three papers in maths:

  • Paper 1: arithmetic, 30 minutes
  • Papers 2 and 3: reasoning, 40 minutes per paper

Paper 1 will consist of fixed response questions, where children have to give the correct answer to calculations, including long multiplication and division. Papers 2 and 3 will involve a number of question types, including:

  • Multiple choice
  • True or false
  • Constrained questions, e.g. giving the answer to a calculation, drawing a shape or completing a table or chart
  • Less constrained questions, where children will have to explain their approach for solving a problem

Key Stage 2 science

Not all children in Year 6 will take science SATs. In selected years (including 2018) a number of schools (approximately 1900) are required to take part in science sampling: a test administered to a selected sample of children thought to be representative of the population as a whole. Science sampling testing will not take place in 2019.

For those who are selected, there will be three papers:

  • Biology: 25 minutes, 22 marks
  • Chemistry: 25 minutes, 22 marks
  • Physics: 25 minutes, 22 marks

Each paper will take a maximum of 25 minutes to complete.

It sounds very intimidating, but these are ‘questions in a physics/chemistry/biology context’, for example:

Biology: ‘Describe the differences in the life cycle of an amphibian and a mammal’

Chemistry: ‘Group a list of materials according to whether they are solid, liquid or gas’

Physics: ‘Predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, based on where the poles are facing’


When will KS2 SATs take place in 2019?

The Year 6 KS2 SATs will be administered in the week commencing 13 May 2019. The timetable is likely to follow previous years' timetables:

Monday 13 May 2019
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling

Tuesday 14 May 2019
English reading

Wednesday 15 May 2019
Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic
Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning

Thursday 16 May 2019
Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning


How will Key Stage 2 SATs be marked?

The previous national curriculum levels have been scrapped, and instead children are given scaled scores (read our parents' guide to primary school grading and SATs codes for more details).

You will be given your child’s scaled score and whether they have reached the expected standard set by the Department for Education (‘NS’ means that the expected standard was not achieved and ‘AS’ means the expected standard was achieved)

The range of scaled scores available for each KS2 test is:

  • 80 (the lowest scaled score that can be awarded)
  • 120 (the highest scaled score)

The expected standard for each test is a scaled score of 100 or more. If a child is awarded a scaled score of 99 or less they won't have achieved the expected standard in the test.

The Department for Education expects at least 65 per cent of children to reach the expected standard (the figure was initially 85 per cent but has been revised).

Are there any practice papers for the new curriculum KS2 SATs?

Yes, the 2016, 2017 and 2018 KS2 SATs papers are now available and can be downloaded for free from TheSchoolRun:
