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Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging

School Logo

Four Swannes Primary School

Diversity. Inclusion. Belonging


Year 1SE

Today Rocky's Animals came to visit! The children had an amazing experience in feeding and handling animals (even us adults!) We also learnt some interesting facts about the animals.

4.5.24 - In Science we have been learning about plants and this week we observed and identified Evergreen trees around our school grounds.

29/04/2024 - In Maths the children have been learning how to group into equal parts and counting in 2's, 5's a nd 10's.

25th April 2024 - Earth Day. Today we spoke about the importance of ways of helping to keep our planet clean and free from plastic. The children had a lot of fun making Earth hangers!

19th April 2024 - Welcome back! This week in Maths we have been learning about Mass and Volume. The children enjoyed measuring using various containers with water.

15/3/2024 - In English we have been learning how to write recipes. We looked read the story 'The Giant Jam Sandwich' and then wrote instructions how to make a sandwich which then lend us onto making a sandwich!

15/3/2024 - Science week - We had lots of fun learning about science in many ways. We talked about our senses, carried out experiments such as dancing raisins, volcano explosion and colour changing flower.

13/03/2024 - Maths Workshop - It was lovely to see so many families join our Maths workshop. The children enjoyed sharing how we learn Maths using various manipulatives and skills in addition and subtraction.

7/3/2024 - World Book Day 2024 - The children looked amazing in their costumes celebrating World Book Day. Throughout the day we focused on the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', sequencing the story, making fruit kebabs and many more fun activities.

6/2/2024 - Safety Internet Day - As a class we spoke about how to keep safe online and completed various activities. One activity was to group objects into categories.

2/2/2024 - Science - Every day materials. We had scientists in class today, exploring with various materials and their properties.

19/1/2024 - This term in Science we are looking at different materials and their properties. The children have worked together finding objects from around the classroom and placing them in the right categories.

December 2023 - In English, we have been reading the story The Jolly Christmas Postman. We talked about the journey of a letter or a card getting delivered. We had great fun writing our own letters to Father Christmas and then walking to the post box to post.

Children in Need - We had a lot of fun decorating biscuits with icing and chocolate drops. We kept the Maths theme by thinking of parts and the whole using milk and white chocolates.

Maths is fun! In Maths week, the children enjoyed learning maths in different ways using various manipulatives. We also had a Maths hat competition. The children did amazing work with their hats!

Wk Beginning: 13th November - Antibullying Week odd sock day! The children wore odd socks as we are all different and to stand up and make noise.

Maths - Less and Greater (Week 6)

In Science we have looked at Animals including Humans. We have looked closely at grouping the animals, looking at their diets, the human body and the five senses. Below are pictures of children grouping the animals.

Week 3 (22.9.23)

This week in Maths we have been working on counting objects reliably within 10/20. 


In English, we have been reading the story 'Plenty of love to go round'. The children have been labelling the characters Plum and Binky. Also, beginning to write sentances describing the characters.


In computing, we have talked about how to keep safe online. Using the key vocabulary, SMART (Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliability, Tell). 




Maths in Year One - Counting objects

Curriculum Overview 2023-2024



Year One have had a great start to the new school year. The children have settled in well, and are becoming familiar with their new classroom. We are currently in process of having a soft start to the Year One curriculum. The children have shown a possitive attitude towards their learning.

I'm delighted to be teaching them this year, and looking forward to all the exciting learning we will be doing together. 


Miss. Ertac 


Year One's have settled in very well and made great start to the new school year! The children have worked well in becoming familiar with their new routines and classroom environment. We are currently working on a soft approach towards our new curriculum. 

I'm delighted to be teaching them and look forward to an exciting year ahead. 


Miss. Ertac  

Welcome To Year 1

We hope you enjoy exploring our fantastic learning in Year 1.

Class Teacher: Ms Ertac

Teaching Assistants: Miss Sheaf 

Year 1 Curriculum map 2022-23

Welcome to year 1

Our Class trip to the Royal Gunpowder Mills

We have been so proud of the children working hard on their phonics this year. They all concentrated really well in their screening check. Well done  year 1 

This week we have been doing a maths investigation about volume. We surprised to see that although it looked like some containers had more than others they actually all contained 180 ml.

This week we have had RE day where we used the story of David and Goliath to think about good and evil. Christians and Jews both have this story in their holy scriptures.

In maths today we were solving problems by finding out the difference - this group were vey proud of themselves for solving this pyramid problems and wanted you to see it. The difference between two adjacent numbers matches the number above

In science today we investigated plants and soil using our magnifying glasses. Within the soil we found wood lice, snails worms and a centipede. We were careful to return the creatures to their natural habitat to enjoy the rest of their life. Daniel asked "how do the creatures see in the dark?" Which we thought was an excellent scientific question.

Welcome to the Summer term. We hope you had a good Easter. Our science topic this term is plants and today the children got to look at plants comparing their size, their colour and their leaves.

For RE day we learned about the Jewish festival of Passover - he we are acting out some of the ten plagues!

We had a special visitor in class today !

Today we had a visitor teaching us about being safe near the water. Very useful information (particularly if the weather gets better!) We learned to stay SAFE (Stay Away From the Edge)

We discussed Pancake Day, stirred the batter and ate some. One child said,"These pancakes are delicious!"

Here are just a few pictures of our class trip to the museum at Tring.

This week we had RE day where we continued to learn about the Jewish and Christian faiths. We learned about what it means to belong to a group. We met Pastor Stuart who is a leader of a local church. We had opportunity to ask him questions.

We had a joint reading session with year 5. We had great fun enjoying books together

Our play was a real success. After all the hard work the children performed beautifully and a good time was had by all.

We have had a busy week in maths learning that numbers between 11 and 20 can be seen as ten and some more ones. eg 14 is the same as 10 and 4 more ones.

Here we are in PE persevering to build our towers. We had to concentrate hard! Then we worked together as a team to build the giant structure!

This week we have focussed on writing sentences about our book Slinky Malinki. He was a naughty, sly cat who got up to trouble.We have written some brilliant sentences.

Here are two of  Arli's sentences:

He felt so bad. His mum and dad were mad.

Here we are on our geography field trip. We were looking for signs of Autumn as part of our geography and science curriculum.

 We've had a wonderful week in year 1. On Tuesday we had a special guest, an author who read us her book about 3 young superheroes!  This inspired us to become authors ourselves and this week we have been busy making our own books based on our text Stanley's stick!

We also had a lovely moment where we remembered those who died protecting our country. We are thankful to them.

In science we are learning about 'Animals including humans' and this week we looked at their diet.

As part of our Black History month celebrations Mrs Emsley invited in musician TJ Koleoso who plays bass guitar for The Ezra Collective. He played for us, told us about the bass guitar and spoke about the people who have inspired him to play.


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This week we have got fully involved with our Africa topic in English and also celebrated Black History month

Another busy week in year 1. As a class we are really focusing on our phonics and maths, but we have also had harvest festival this week. Here is us playing tag in PE.

Here are some pictures of our RE trip. We visited two local churches so we could see their features and compare them.

In music this week we learned about the C note and took turns playing it on the glockenspiels.

In science this week we were learning about animals so we went outside to see what we could find. We saw butterflies, ants, birds and a squirrel.

We had our first PE lesson with Mrs Allcock today. We did a circuit of different activities it was both fun and challenging for us!

Welcome back to school. The children are having a great day and doing some wonderful learning. We are SO proud of them.

We enjoyed reading time.


Archived files


The focus for RE DAY this term is human responsibility and values/Justice and fairness. Year 1 listened to two stories. The Good Samaritan and Queen Esther which highlighted how Jews and Christians help others. The children then sequenced the Good Samaritan story and acted it out in small groups. After the children drew a picture of how they can help someone in their local area and wrote a sentence to explain their picture. In the afternoon the children learnt about the 10 comandments and learnt that these are the rules which Christians and Jews follow as part of their daily lifes. The children then came up with their own comandment. The day ended nicely raising money for charity and enjoying a yummy cake and ice lolly. 


Commonwealth Games 

This week in PE the children learnt about the Commonwealth Games. The children learnt that it starts on the 28th July and involves lots of nations coming together to participate in 19 different sports. We spoke about the baton which is making its way from Waltham Cross to Birmingham where the commonwealth games are being held. The children participated in a range of activities:

Design their own baton

Commonwealth wordsearch

Name the different sports 



In DT the children used their car plan and junk modelling to create their cars. They had great fun. Here are their photos. 

Our Tomato Plants 

This week the children observed and measured the length of their tomato plants. They also drew a picture of what it looked like and wrote a sentence about what a plant needs to grow. Here are some pictures. 


Young Sports Leaders 

Year 1 children have been busy working with Mrs Alcock and the Year 5 children. The Year 5 children are training to be young leaders and had to direct the year 1 children with how to complete certain activities. Here are some pictures of them all working together. 

National Sports Week 

This week the children have been active in the afternoon. They have been busy practicing for sports day and have also had a go at some yoga. 

World Music Day 

Today the children learnt a song which they performed to the school in assembly. They added their own instruments to the song which they played when they heard certain words in the song. Here is the performance. 


World Music Day.mp4

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World Market Day 

This week the children have been busy preparing for World Market Day. The children focused on the country England and make a variety of crafts and food. They have all had lots of fun. Here is a picture of their stall. 


What Plants Need to Grow


In Science we have been looking at the 5 needs of a plant. 

Need 1: Space

Need 2: Soil

Need 3: Air

Need 4: Water

Need 5: Light

The children then used this information to plant their own tomato seed. They will look after and observe them grow this term.  

Jubilee Day 

Today the children celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The children learnt that the Queen has been in reign for 70 years. They focused on the key events which happened during the decade 2010s. The events were Prince William and Prince Harry royal weddings, mini olympics and the birth of  Prince George and Princess Charlotte. The children also had a Jubilee lunch outside and listened to the country national athem.  


Maths: Measuring volumes 

This week the children looked at measuring different volumes in the same size cup and measuring the same volume in different sized containers. The children learnt that even though the capacity of some containers is more than others, when filling different sized containers with the same volume each container will still have the same volume. Here are some pictures of Year 1 exploring this. 


In PE Year 1 have been learning lots of different tennis skills. The children have learnt how to balance a ball on their racket, dribble a ball inbetween their legs, bounce a ball up and down, roll and ball and hit a ball over the tennis net when it has been thrown to them. 


International Dance Day

To celebrate International Dance Day Year 1 had the opportunity to learn Irish Dancing. The children learnt about the 'Lord of the Dance' and some Irish dance steps. The children then performed what they had learnt to the song 'Lord of the Dance'. 

The Daily Mile 

Today is the 100th birthday of the Daily Mile. To celebrate the class took part in the daily mile during their PE lesson. 

Earth Day

Today the children learnt all about keeping the environment safe. The children made their own posters to promote Earth day. The children also looked at the different types of weather we had last week and learnt how to plot this on a tally and a block graph. They also learnt about how to reduce carbon footprint by travelling to school without using a car or public transport. The children also looked at how to recycle and what happens to the items that are recycled. Finally the children made their own commitment heart which consisted of 3 commitments they will follow to help protect the environment. 


Fruit Salad 

Today the children made their own fruit salad. They learnt how to use a knife to chop the fruit they wanted in their fruit salad. The children then presented their fruit salad before they ate it, 


Everyday Materials 

This term in Science the children have been learning about Everyday materials. Today they sorted objects by property. T-Rex and Apatosaurus group found hard and soft objects around the classroom. Triceratops group sorted objects into dull, smooth, shiny and rough. Pteradactyl group sorted objects into transparent, opaque, waterproof and not waterproof.  

Maths - Word Problems 

In Maths the children have been working on word problems to find the whole as a result. The children worked in pairs to read the word problem and transfer the information onto a cherry model. Some then moved onto transferring the information onto a bar model. A further challenge also inovled some children writing their own word problems and transferring the information onto a cherry model. 


RE Day today focused on the Easter and Passover. The children began by retelling the Easter story. They worked in small groups to act out the key events in the story. Next the children revisited their learning about Passover and compared the similarities and differences between Easter and Passover. Finally, the children identified the symbols for each festival and the meaning of each symbol. They focused on the Seder plate used in Passover and identified the meaning of each food item on the plate. The children also got to see a real Seder plate. 


In Geography Year 1 have been learning about maps. The children have learnt about the various types of maps focusing particularly on street maps and Google Maps. This week the children located their route to school on Google Maps. The children began by looking at the different modes of transport which can be used to travel to school. We tallied how each child comes to school on a frequency table. Finally we located on Google Maps how specific children travel from home to school. We highlighted the route if we travelled by car, bike or walking. 




Science Week 

During Science Week the children engaged in a vareity of actvities. On Monday the children completed a STEM Create a Plant Challenge. On Tuesday the children conducted a gummy bear investigation. On Tuesday the children also learnt facts about minibeasts during a science virtual workshop. On Wednesday the children were lucky to visit the Science Museum. On Friday the children learnt about the planet Mars and which animals they think would surive on Mars. Throughout the week the children also learnt a song which helped them to identify the parts of a plant and te job of each part. 


Science Week: Parts of a Plant

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World Book Day

Today the children enjoyed a fun day full of engaging World Book Day activities. They began the day with a scavenger hunt where they had to find key words in a variety of books. Next the children wrote a character description on the character they were dressed up as. Throughout the day, when the children heard a tambourine they picked up a book to read. Some children also participated in a book swap. Finally they decorated a book mark which they can use when they read in their free time. 

Christmas Performance: The Perfect Christmas Tree

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Christmas Performance: It's Christmas

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Today the children watched a video of Sky Brown who won a Bronze Medal at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics at 13 years old. The children then had the opportunity to learn how to skateboard. They learnt how to jump on the board and balance, ride on the skateboard and do a few tricks. 

House on the Hill Toy Museum - School trip

Special Visitor - Asha Phillips 


Today our school were very lucky to have a visitor at our school. The children learnt that she is an Olympic Sprinter who also competed in the Tokyo Olympics. She was the first British female to win a gold medal at 16 years old at the World Youth Championships. 



Today the children took part in RE Day. The focus throughout the day in Year 1 were the two religions Christianity and Judaism. The children also learnt about two festivals. Harvest which is celebrated by Christians and Yom Kippur which is celebrated by Jews. The children also looked at the key features within a church and a synagogue. They have all had a great day!. 

Stanley Stick 


Our next book in English is called 'Stanley Stick'. The children will be focusing on this book for the next couple of weeks. Today the children went outside to find their own special stick. They are using role play and their imagination to support their writing. 

And tango makes three


The children have been reading the book above for the last two weeks. To bring the book alive the children have seen a penguin roaming the school and even had a visit from the zookeeper Mr Gramzey. This has encouraged lots of excitement within our English lessons. 

Year 1 Summer Term Curriculum Map 2020-2021

Sports Day

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Black History Week

This week we are celebrating inspriing black men and women. Today the children had a black musician visit them. They listened to him playing the drums. The children also learnt about how he became interested in learning the drums. The children came up with the following questions to ask him:

How old were you when you started to play the drums?

Where did you get your drums from?

Where did you learn to play the drums?

Is it hard to play the drums? 



Wear Red Day

Today the children learnt about Anti-Racism. We spoke about it being ok to be different. The children learnt about what makes people different; focusing particularly on skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, height, languages, religion and where families originate from. More importantly, the children in year 1 learnt that we have to treat everybody equally and with respect. 

Please refer to the Home Learning section of the school website for information on home learning support. Follow the links to the education resources to support your child. Please try to ensure that your child fully engages with these learning opportunities. Remember any lessons should be supported with at least 20 minutes of reading every day.

Fantasy Stories

The children have been looking at fantasy stories. Their favourite book over the past two weeks has been Supertato. The children made their Supertato’s in class today and were so excited! 

What an exciting afternoon we have had!

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The children discovered a beautiful caterpillar in the school playground. After lunch, we came inside to research our caterpillar and to find out what it would become. We discovered it was a Five Spotted Hawkmoth and it eats tomatoes and potatoes.

Mini Beast Hunt

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The children searched for mini-beasts and named the ones that they had found. They then made a bug hotel with leaves and sticks and created a trench for the insects protection.

Design and Technology

The children made and designed their own airplanes for Design and Technology. They independently made adaptations such as extra folds in the wings and cuts in the body! Then they flew them to see whose would go the furthest! 


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Monster Symmetry! Raaaahhhhhhh!

In Year One, our book stimulus this week has been The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. The children have used symmetry in Maths to create their own monsters. 
Good morning everyone! It was so good to talk to some of you this week whilst I was in school. If I left message for you, I will call again next week to say Hi and hopefully talk to the children. I miss them so much.  I am enclosing some Music ideas that you can do at home with the children.  Hopefully, there is some fun to be had and it will make them smile. Stay safe and keep well, love from Mrs Kanatli
Good morning everyone! 


We would like to set you and your families a weekly challenge whilst we are all in this challenging situation. 

This week the challenge is - How many squats can you do in 30 seconds? Send your videos to and we will announce the winners next week on the school website lastest news. 

Good Morning Everyone! The Government are beginning an online phonics program commencing this Monday 27th April 2020.  Please find enclosed a letter to explain the times and link for the lessons.  Hope that you are all well, Mrs Kanatli xx

Corona Virus - A Book For Children

Keeping Your Child Safe Online

Good afternoon.

Premier Education have some videos to help keep the children active at home. 

Street Dance -
Greatest Showman -
Racket Skills -
Multi-Skills -
Parent and Child workout -

The famous author Axel Scheffler has produced a child friendly book about Corona Virus should any of your children be struggling. The link is 

Work for weeks beginning 20th and 27th April 2020. I hope that you have all had a safe and healthy Easter. I am enclosing the children's work for the next two weeks. Please look at the weekly overview first and complete the tasks with the children. Continue to practise their phonics, use Mathletics and Espresso and continue to read with the children regularly. Keep safe and well xxx

Also attached is a document to help manage the transition in to School learning.

Oceans and Seas - The children are learning about Oceans and Seas for geography. They have labelled maps and drawings with differing oceans and seas around the world. Today in class they made a wave in a tray. They made a beach, using sand and shells and then added water. They tested different theories as to how waves were made. They found that wind and friction wer the main contributors. They also asked about earthquakes and volcanoes under the sea and we discussed how a tsunami was created.

P.E - The children are studying gymnastic this term. They have been practising different jumps and landing techniques.


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We have been learning about blues music in Year One this term. The children are studying greats like BB King and are beginning to learn some songs. Here they are singing a simplified version of I Am In The Groove.

Maths Investigation Week - The children have been investigting many maths challenges this week. They have completed a coin challenge, dice challenge, 100 square challenge, times table challenge and creating a crate for a family of bears to be transported across the zoo. However, they only had a piece of A4 paper and scissors to create a crate....

Take One Picture Week

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Throughout the school the children have been studying The Disembarkment of the Queen of Sheba painted by Claude. All our curriculum this week has been based around the picture. The children worked together with Year 2 and Mrs Emsley’s son to reenact the Queen of Sheba arriving to see King Solomon in Jerusalem.

ICT Coding

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Marcel has also been creating his own app using coding for ICT.

ICT Coding

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The children have been studying coding. They have become confident enough to begin creating their own apps. Listen to Emilia explain her creation.

P.E - The children are learning to play - this week they have been using the raquets!

Councillor Spears came into class to Read Kiki's Magic Afro by Miriam Gray to the children for Black History Month. As if by magic, her afro began glowing when she read the story to the children

We are being Secret Angels for Anti-Bullying Week. The children pulled the name of a classmate our of a hat on Monday and have to be secret angels to that person all week but they must not tell them who! On Friday we are going to see f they can guess who their Secret Angel was.....

Animal Visit


Spirit of the Wild came into school to visit Year 1.  They brought in many animals for the children to classify and sort into groups.  They met animals such as a barn owl, cockroach, millipede, tortoise, Brazilian Black tarantula, toad, a lesser tentric and a fruit bat.  The children then had to sort to the animals into their groups; mammals, reptiles, birds of prey, insects, amphibians and theraphosidae.



Falconry UK Visit

Year one had a visit from Falconry UK. The children met a variety of birds including  Blu the Blue Winged Cuckaburra, Rocco the Pygmy Falcon, Mika the Western Siberia Owl, Bailey the White Faced Scops Owl and Taz the Tawny Frogmouth. They also met Poppy the Maltese Terrier!!! 
