We hope yo had a lovely, relaxing summer. We are really impressed how the children settled in our nursery class. It is a plesaure to see their big smiles on their faces that makes us to work even harder.
This week we focused on the book 'Princess and the Pea' and children worked togfether to create the story map by using the pictures. Then some of th children could able to retell the story by using the pictures.
We also made pea soup, during this activity the children had a chance to see and feel all the ingridients. The children used safety knifes to cut onions and measured the other ingridents by using the measuring cups. At the end the children tried the soup that they made and some of them sked for the second bowl :)
This half term our learning will be about the theme 'castles'. this topic will support our children to enhance their knowledge of he different types of the buildings. We will be learning about the houses in the past and present.
Hello everyone, hope you are having a lovely week. We had a lovely, busy week. The nursery children was very barve during their Nativity show. They havemade beautiful cards for their loved ones and decorated them beautifully. Well done to our lovely children, hope they have enjoyed hot choclate and marshmellows this morning. Have a good break!
Merry Christmas and happy new year!
Chicken Shed Puppet Show Trip
Nursery children visitid to Chicken Shed for the Puppet Show. All the children sat sensibly on the coach. Then we all sat in the cafe and had our lunches. Afterthat, the show began and the children participated the show by singing songs and dancing. After the show we had a chance to take a photo with Santa and his friends!
This trip supported our children's communication and language development in a fun way by following the conversations and understanding the questions and instructions.
Parent helpers thank you so much for coming and helping us! We couldn't have done it without you!
How to Catch a Dragon
WB: 02/12/2024
This week we have focused on the book 'How to Catch a Dragon' by Carly Hart. The children drew their own castles by using 2D shapes. We have used adjectives to describe the dragon and the other charceters.
We also focused on listening games for our phonics sessions. For example we played a game called 'guess the instrument'. Children said 'hello' to all the musical instruments and played them one by one. Then children took a turn to hide the instruments and described it to the children to have a guess.
WB: 25/11/2024
This week we have read the story called MEG'S CASTLE. The children learned about plenty of anomatopoeia, such as 'bang, crash. The children made their own wands by using their creativity and fine motor skills.
The children actively engaged in mking potions by performing spells and mixing all the secret ingidients.
George and the Dragon
WB 18/11/2024
This week we have read the book 'George and the Dragon'. The children in our nursery class actively engaged making a house for George and a castle for the dragon. They used their fine motor skills to cut, stick and decorate the castle and the house. They worked learned the word 'callobration' and showed us they can work well as a team.
WB 11/11/2024
We started our week with Maths morning, thank you to parents who came and took part in a Mathematics activities to inspire children. The nursery children actively engaged making fruit kebabs where they enhanced their knowledge on making patterns.
We read the book 'Princess Smartypants' and children drew their favourite pets from the book and why. They used adjectives to describe the princess.
WB 4/11/2024
This week we have read the book called 'Sparks in the Sky'. The children used their creativity to make their own fireworks by using the variety of materials, such as pipe cleaners, paint, beads and glue. We also had a sensory tray where children used their fine motor skills for mrk making.
The children used their imagination and actively engaged in the kitchen role play area. they used the resources, such as money, shopping list and the cash register.
We have celebrated Black History Month by participating the African muic assembly. The children played African musical instruments and danced. The children said their favourite musical instruments were drums and tambourines.
WB 14/10/2024
This week we focused on the book called 'It's My Birthday' story Helen Oxenbury. Children enhanced their listening, comprehension and expressivbe language skills by listening the story, drawing the ingridients and baking cupcakes.
We also celebrated the Black History Month by baking Nigerian Pound cake and tasting variety of food from all around the world. Thank you for parents who made an effort to bake, cook and participated in this event.
WB 07/10/2024 This week we read, sequenced and acted out Owl Babies story. We also created our own owls, eggs and nests.
WB-20/09/2024 Self Portraits
Children made thei own play dough that helps them to enhance their fine motor skills, creativity and language skills.
Week Beginning 09/09/2024 Children explored indoor and outdoor areas this week.
W/B 8th July 2024
This week we read the story of the Tiger who comes to tea and had fun re- telling the story wth our Tiger masks. Some of us also spent the morning with our new teacher, Mrs Bryne Brown in Reception.
W/B 1st July 2024
On Monday we had our last maths morning of the year. Lots of our parents came to see what Maths work we have been up to the term. Lots was linked to our story of the week Shark in the Park.
28th June 2024 - What a wonderful time we had at the farm this week!
21st June 2024 - Sharing a Shell
This week we have been reading the book Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson. We explored our own rockpool, made jellyfish and learnt all about hermit crabs.
We also had our Nursery Sports day on Tuesday, we all had lots of fun! So much fun that Mrs Attridge forgot to take any pictures!!
We are also looking forward to our trip to Lee Valley Farm next week!
14th June 2024 - This week we read Handa's Surprise, we made fruit kebabs with the fruits from the story.
7th June 2024 - Police Visit We were very lucky to have a visit form two police officers. We tried on his hat and saw inside the police van.
W/b 13th - 17th May 2024 - This week we said goodbye to our butterflies as they finally emerged form their chrysalis.
Wb 7th - 10th May 2024 - This week we cut our cress and made some egg or cheese sandwiches and then added some cress. We all enjoyed them!
29th April - 3rd May 2024
This week we have been reading the story of Errol's Garden. He wanted a garden so badly but lived in a block of flats. One day Errol discovered a roof garden. This week like Errol we have been planting seeds. We are patiently waiting for our cress seeds to grow!
26th April 2024 - This week we celebrated Earth Day - Earth painting and Earth weaving.
19th April 2024 - The Very Hungry Caterpillar - There has been much excitement in Nursery this week with the arrival of our caterpillars.
28th March 2024
This week in Nursery we have had lots of fun celebrating Easter. We made Easter cards, we had an egg hunt around the classroom and read lots of lovely Easter stories. We hope you all have a fantastic Easter Break and see you back at school on Monday 15th April 2024.
22nd March The Three Little Pigs - This week we made a house for the wolf to blow down , made story stones and counted objects from the story.
15th March Red Nose Day - Today we used a mashcam to give a Red Nose Day disguise, can you tell who is who!
13th March Maths Morning - We had lots of fun when our parents came in for maths morning.
7th March World Book Day
13th February Pancake Day Fun!
30th January - This week we read the story of the Gingerbread Man - We made gingerbread men and even retold the story.
15th January - The Princess and the Pea - We made Pea soup and tested our bed to see if we could feel the pea.
December 18th - Merry Christmas Everyone. We had lots of fun at school this week. We loved visiting Santa in his Grotto!
December 11th - The Jolly Christmas Postman, we used our words to describe where to find the book characters.
4th December - Letters to Santa, This week we wrote our letters to Santa
27th November - Meg's Castle, We made Meg's Owl friend
20th November St George and the Dragon - We made amour for our soft toys in the Nursery.
Week Beginning 13th November 2023
What a busy week we had at school. Firstly showing awareness of anti- bullying week by wearing our odd socks, then our families came to school to see all the brilliant maths work for Maths week and finally ending the week by wearing our PJs to school to raise money for BBC Children in need!
Rememberance Day
November 10th
Today we made handprint poppies to mark Remembrance Day. We discussed why people wear poppies and who we are remembering when we wear them.
November 3rd
What a colourful week we have had lots of firework stories and painting.
20th October
All things Spooky! Our book this week was Funnybones. We enjoyed dancing and singing to the bones song and we made our own spooky town.
6th October 2023
This week we have been learning all out Owl babies. We learnt anout nocturnal animals and sorted them in to groups. We also celebrated Harvest Festival and enjoyed exploring all the cereals that are grown on the farm.
This week we have been continuing with our book My Mum and Dad make me laugh. We have looked at repeating patterns and patterns all around us. We even tried wrapping some presents up with patterned paper.
22.9.23- My Mum and Dad make me laugh.
This week we have been reading the book my Mum and Dad make me laugh. We have been talking about what makes us laugh! We all think our parents are funny and like to make us laugh!
15.9.23 This week we looked very closely at faces and drew a self portrait.
This week we have been getting used to returning to school and our new classroom. We have enjoyed playing in the new mud kitchen outside and enjoying the lovely weather!
Archive Nursery
Dear Zoo (W/b 19th June)
This week in nursery we have done:
Read Dear Zoo and other zoo based stories
Play who am I?
Play what scary animal am I?
Match the patterns to the correct animal
Created own zoo using happyland and blocks
Observed the chrysalises
The Curious Caterpillar (w/b 5th June-15th June)
In nursery we have learnt this week:
Read the Twinkl story of 'the curious caterpillar
Created our own puppets to recreate the story
The butterfly life cycle
Butterfly bingo
Using our ICT skills, coloured in a caterpillar on the screen
Using junk modelling created our own caterpillars
Got our own caterpillars, we have 6!
Created our own butterflies
Practised for our assembly
Did our assembly
Read lots of caterpillar stories
What we showed in assembly as walking in
Caterpillars (2).mp4
Mental Health Week 15/5/23
This week nursery have done:
Every day we have done a Joe Wicks workout for wellbeing
Spoke about worries
Made a jar of things we love and grateful for
Met nurseries worry monster
Had different jars and placed pompoms to represent our worries
Spoke about feelings
Read and talked about the worry books (Ruby's worry, The Worry-assrus, The worry tiger, The Drama Llarma)
Created worry monsters for nursery classroom to eat our worries away
Coronation weeks (2nd-12th May)
For the past 2 weeks nursery have done:
What a coronation is
Books on the coronation and King Charles
Created crowns for our coronation party at school
Iced biscuits
Created decorations for the coronation party
Made King Charles stained glass windows
Dress up as Kings and Queens
Red, white and blue pom poms sorting by colour and size
Colouring-ins of the coronation
Had a party
Looked at different photos of King Charles throughout his life
Red, white and blue coloured rice
Spoke about the coronation and if we watched it on tv
Listened to the national anthem 'God save our King'
Spoke about the golden coach
Spoke about the crown
This wee we have read the stories of Jack and the Beanstalk and Jaspers Beanstalk. We also have planted our own beans in the hope that they will grow into our own beanstalk very soon!
St George's Day
We hope you've all had a lovely Easter break! We would like to welcome all of our new children who have started this week. They have settled really well and adapted to the new routine! Well done!
In nursery this week we have:
Created a castle for our role play area
Counted the dragons eggs
Read lots of stories based on dragons or St George (zog, George and the dragon, Puff the magic dragon)
Using our ICT skills we coloured in St George and the dragon
We've danced go nursery rhymes
We've played with the instruments
Practising our cutting skills to cut around the dragon
Painted shields
Built castles using the duplo
Coloured in St George and the dragon with colouring pencils
st g.mp4
Have a good Easter!
Easter w/c 27/03/23
This week in nursery we have been:
Made salt dough hot cross buns
Painted the hot cross buns
Sold our hot cross buns in our shop
Easter bunny games
Role played as an Easter bunny
Using our fine motor skills we used pegs, pom poms and paint to create pictures
Read lots of Easter themed stories
Tried hot cross buns
Easter hunt
Easter egg tissue paper pictures
Easter week beginning 20/03/23
This week nursery have been:
Making Easter eggs out of clay
Paint the Easter eggs out of clay
Spider web, save Easter!
Using their fine motor skills they created an Easter egg
Read a variety of Easter themed stories
Drew Easter pictures on the table
Easter board games
Matching the numbers to the chicks
Tissue paper Easter eggs
Rice Easter egg in tuff tray
Science Week 13/03/2023
This week in nursery we have been busy doing:
Been doing Science experiments throughout the week
Went on a walk around the school grounds to find bugs for the nature detectives
During the confusing can experiment we had to think what was inside the cans (which had missing labels) to match them to the ones that had labels
During the wildlife faces the children had to match the faces up of the wildlife
Magic painting where we used wax candles to create a picture then using the paint (making it watery) painting over the crayons
We watched how daffodils grow
Science week 13/02/2023
w/b 6th March 2023
World Book Week (w/b 27/02/23)
This week in nursery we have been doing:
Read different stories from the Book Day tokens
Created a spider from one of the books
Created our own book cover
Created a start of a whole school story
Created our own book marks
Spoke about our favourite stories and why
Dressed up for World Book Day and brought in stories
Did the 'Joe Wicks Burpee Bears' workout
Created our own story spoons
Did a pictogram of our favourite Nursery book
Came to Nursery in our pyjamas for the Bedtime with Burpee Bears story
world book day.mp4
Pancake week (21/02/23)
This week in nursery we have been:
Tracing pancake pattern
Pancake tuff tray
Cutting and sticking what toppings we would like on our pancakes
Cutting out toppings to create faces on our pancakes
Read stories related to pancake day
Cutting ingredients what we would like on our pancakes to eat
Spoke about pancake day
Spoke about pancakes the next day too!
Week Beginning 21st February - Pancake Week!
7th February 2023 Safer Internet Day - We read the story of the screen thief and talked about how to be safe online.
Welcome to the baby clinic w/b 30/1/23
Week beginning 23/01/23
This week in nursery we have learned about Chinese New Year and:
Read stories of Chinese New Year stories
How people celebrate Chinese New Year
Small world acting out the story of 'how the animals ran the race to have a year name'
Talk about the different animals for each year
Lets move Chinese New Year
Chinese numbers in rice
Made a Chinese stir fry
Chinese New Year symbol painting rabbits
Messy play noodles
Messy play rice
Week beginning 16.01.22
In nursery this week we have been:
Practising writing our names
Exploring musical instruments
Had year 2 come in and read to us
Discussed who are the people who help us
Using our ICT skills created a photo who we wanted to be when we grow up
Listened to stories about people who help us
Using Happyland buildings and the people to sort out who goes where (police officer to the police station)
Using our fine motor skills got the frogs to jump into the pond
Dancing to move it and freeze
Happy New Year!
We hope you've all had a lovely half term!
We have had lots of new friends join our nursery class and have settled in very well!
Here is what we've been up to this week (9/1/23):
Been using our fine motor skills to create lovely patterns
Used our 'hot chocolate' station
Making our letter of the week in the foam
Read our story of the week 'stick man'
Went on a stick hunt
Created our own stick men and retold the story
Collaborated drawing of stick men
Using our ICT skills we created our own stick man 'tree house'
Created buildings with duplo
Cut out the stick family and arranged in size order
Used our imagination and used the k'nex
Practised using stencils
Investigated outdoor objects
Nursery enjoyed their Christmas party playing party games and having a dance. They then had party food
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and see you all in the New Year!
Throughout December
During December nursery have been extremely busy. We have done:
Made up stories in our winter wonderland tuff tray
Unwrapped a present a day and listened to a different Christmas story
Wrote our own Christmas cards
Posted our Christmas cards in our Christmas post box
Count down how many days until Christmas
Finding the numbers on our happy land advent calendar
Playing Christmas games
Made our own reindeer food
Made our own Christmas decorations
Spoke about the Nativity story and the characters in the story
Using our ICT skills to create our own calendar
Sung Christmas songs
Christmas dress up
Made Christingles and some of our afternoon children attended the Christingle service
Spoke about what we did on our snow day
Spoke about what we wear in winter
Jolly Christmas postman
Watched a video 'what happens to letters once posted'
Created our own grotto
Snowball throwing game
Winter and Hannukah (w/b 28/11/22)
Nursery have had a very busy week this week. We have done:
Read stories (Eight nights, eight light. The Christmas pine.)
Wrote our letters to Santa
Had a walk to the post box and posted our letters to Santa
Let's move winter
Decorated the class Christmas tree
Cut and stuck our nativity scene down
Read the eBook of the nativity story
We read the story 'Hetty's Hannukah'
Played the game 'dreidel'
Counting the candles on the Menorah
Handprint Menorahs
Looked and role played with the Kippur's
Created our Menorahs on the smart board
World Cup (w/b 21/11/22)
World cup has come to nursery this week! We've had a very busy week. Nursery have done:
Football peg numbers - matching the correct number to the football object on the card
Football players colouring in
Created our own football kit
Played football bingo
Read football related stories (Hey Duggee-The football badge, Mr Men-The big match and Spot plays football)
Using the happy land characters they had a football match
Football maze (using our fine motor skills we practised with a whiteboard pen to complete the maze)
We created our own players to play football with and the happy land characters were our supporters
We spoke about all the different countries who are in the World Cup and what their flags looked like
We created our own flags
Children In Need (w/b 14/11/22)
This week in nursery we have been doing lots of fun activities for Children In Need. We have done:
Read the story 'Pudsey's Great Fundraiser' eBook
The children retold the story using the props
Spoke about why we support Children In Need
Colouring in Pudsey on the smart board
Colouring in Pudsey pictures
Counting the bears on the Pudsey paddle boards
Pudsey bear ice tuff tray
Sold our chocolates on our stall for our fundraiser
Made Pudsey chocolates for our fundraiser
Children in Need Cake sale Friday after Morning Nursery and end of school both cost £1
Remembrance (w/b 7/11/22)
This week nursery have had a very busy week. We have been:
Investigating the curiosity cube
Spoke about why we have Remembrance Day
Read the stories 'where the poppies grow' and 'little people big dreams: Captain Tom Moore'
Putting the correct pegs on the number poppies
Using our fine motor skills, we have used tweezers to grab the pom-poms to place onto the poppies
Explored different texture poppy in the tuff tray
Used loose parts to create poppies
Made our own poppy wreaths
Made poppy biscuits
On Remembrance Day (11/11/22) nursery went outside to pay our respects and do the minute silence with the rest of the school and parents
Fireworks (w/b 31/10/22)
This week nursery have been:
Discussing what fireworks are
Why we celebrate bonfire night
Read the story 'sparks in the sky'
How to be safe around firework
Why we celebrate fireworks
Moved like fireworks in PE
Created our own fireworks painting
Made s'mores
Had a 'bonfire'
Sung bonfire nursery rhymes
Black History (w/b 17/10/22)
This week nursery have been learning all about black history. We have also been learning about Madagascar. Here is what we have been getting up to this week:
Read different stories to celebrate black history
Look at the patterns of braided hair
Re-create our own patterns our head cut outs
African patterns and creating our own
What animals are from Africa
Created our own African animal silhouettes
Matching the silhouettes to the African animals
RE day
We celebrated the Jewish festival of 'Sukkot'.
We decorated our own Sukkah by cutting our own bunting and creating a paper chain. Once it was decorated we ate our snack under the Sukkah just like the Jewish people do during the festival.
Harvest festival
This week in nursery we have learnt about:
What happens at harvest time
Sorting harvest game
Listening to a range of harvest stories
Harvest printing of different fruit and vegetables
Listened to the harvest song
Went on a fruit and vegetable hunt
We went to the hall to see all the donations that were going to the foodbank
Here is a few photos of what we have done this week for Harvest
Harvest festival
We enjoyed decorating biscuits for the Macmillian coffee morning.
We have made new friends this week in nursery. We have enjoyed reading our favourite stories to each other.
We have started to identify what our names begin with and during arts and craft we created this wonderful piece of work. We practise to write our names and then decorated the first letter of our names.
What we have enjoyed this week (19/09/22)
Outdoor Play
We have had lots of fun in the garden this week (12/09/22). On Friday we had an obstacle course get round, we all liked the tunnel.
We hope you all have a wonderful summer and see some of you in September in nursery. Good luck in reception!
Here are some of things we have been getting up to recently in nursery.
Wimbledon day!
We had a wimbledon day at school as the finals were coming up:
We watched a short slideshow about wimbledon. What it is, what they do.
The children used their fine motor skills to play 'pacman' which was a tennis ball capturing objects. The children then had to count how many their pac man had.
We coloured in some wimbledon sheets. The children said 'the tops need to be white not red'.
We then spent some of the day in the garden using a tennis racket and a tennis ball.
We said goodbye to the butterflies!
We sadly said goodbye to our butterflies as they were ready to be free!
The butterflies went onto the children's hands/clothes before they flew off.
Update on the butterflies!
Miss Sheaf brought in some buddleja from her garden. The butterflies were attracted to the flower straight away!
We have butterflies!
Over the weekend the butterflies have started to emerged from their chrysalides.
We currently have 6 butterflies and we are waiting for 3 more!
Here is a few photos and videos!
Update on the caterpillars!
Over the weekend, the caterpillars had wriggled their way up to the lid and become chrysalides.
They will be chrysalides up to 2 weeks, they are doing an amazing transformation.
I wonder what they are doing?
If you would like to ask your child what do they think is happening and let us know
Here is a little video and update on photos!
We moved the chrysalides from the cups to the chrysalis station.
Living things!
As you are aware we said goodbye to the chicks a few weeks ago. But now we have had a special delivery of....
It has been fascinating watching them grow so quickly in just 2 weeks. We will keep you posted on their growth. Here is a few photos of them so far.
Jubilee day
During the week leading up to the Jubilee we have been very busy in nursery.
We have been:
Painting a cake that we have made using modrock
Our Jubilee Queens with the children sitting on the 'red throne' with their cake
Recreating Buckingham Palace using duplo and placing a flag on top
Jubilee party where we all sat down and celebrated the Jubilee
We said goodbye to the chicks!
We have been learning about the life cycle of living things. First we had living eggs and we were very lucky to see the chicks hatch! We looked after them for 7 days and then said goodbye to them as they were taken back to a farm.
Chicks Come To Four Swannes
The children in the nursery have been very eggcited this week. We have been very lucky to observe tiny chicks hatch out of their egg shells. There are 9 eggs and 7 have hatched.
World Book Day 2022
Nursey Class 2021
Welcome to Our Nursery Class Page. Have a look at some of the fun things we have been up to in class this term so far...
Paradise wildlife park with reception
Sports - here are a few races nursery had done for sports day.
Dinosaur eggs - we have been really enthusiastic with dinosaurs since we went to Paradise Wildlife Park, we decided to create our own dinosaur eggs.
Garden fun - we have been interested in heights and building with construction. As its summer, we have been playing with the sand. We have been really engrossed in a game called 'the floor is lava' where the children have built their own obstacle course so they do not touch the ground (lava). We have been role playing being builders and firefighters with the hose. A few of us had a walk on the field where we spotted apple trees, a bridge where we recreated 'the 3 billy goats gruff' story!
Sunflowers - Nursery had planted sunflower seeds and we have been investigating how much they have grown
Classroom fun - Here is a few photos of what nursery have been getting up to this term. We've been really interested in making potions, drawing pictures and practicing writing our names. We really love dancing together!
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